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10 Vital Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

10 Vital Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

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Knowing everything about someone, even your husband, is a lot.

In fact, I believe I’m right in saying it’s impossible because many people don’t even know everything about themselves.

However, there are certain things every wife must know about their husband.

If you don’t know some trivial things, that may not be bad, but you must know the particular things I will highlight in this post.

That’s the only way you can ensure a wholesome and fruitful marriage.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at those crucial things every wife must know about their husband.

10 Vital Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

1. His Love Language

Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

If you have not read “The Five Love Languages” by Dr. Gary Chapman, the best time was yesterday; the next best time is today.

Summarily, the author shows five major ways people like to be loved.

If you don’t love them how they want to be loved, you might as well be speaking a different language.

We often default to loving people how we want to be loved instead of how they want to be loved.

Again, that’s tantamount to speaking a language you understand, and the other party doesn’t.

So, besides knowing your love language, you need to understand your partner’s love language.

The best way to do this is to ask. If he knows his love language, that solves the issue.

If he doesn’t or is unsure, you can encourage him to take the love language test. However, some people don’t believe in things like this.

In that instance, you need to observe him. Find out what he complains about the most or when he feels happier or content.

Does he enjoy spending time with you? He is probably a quality-time guy.

Or is he happiest when you do things for him? He enjoys acts of service.

This way, you can figure out how to make him feel loved while communicating to him how to love you as well.


2. His Likes and Dislikes

You need to know your husband’s likes and dislikes.

What makes him happy? You need to know how to make your husband’s day, something that will make him smile whenever he thinks back on it.

Is it gifting him something that matters, cooking his favorite food, or even not interrupting when he watches his favorite team play?

You need to know what your husband likes, including favorite things like color, music, movies, sports teams, hobbies, etc.

What makes him angry or sad? You need to know what stresses your husband and makes him flare up, and avoid them.

When you love someone, you’ll want to make them happy, not sad. So, avoiding what pushes his button should be easy.

You also need to be able to sense when he’s not in the mood because sometimes, he might not enjoy some banters when he’s in a bad mood that he otherwise would when he’s in a good mood.

3. His View on Money

Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

You must know how your husband relates to money.

Some people are spendthrifts, some are misers, and some are simply conservative.

You should know what category your husband falls into so you can find a middle ground if you have contrasting views.

Although I’d say, this is something to know before marriage, if you haven’t figured it out, you should because money is essential, and it causes issues when you are not in alignment.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you both have to have the same views, but you should both be able to meet in the middle ground. 

For example, if your husband is a spendthrift and you are more conservative, it might be a good idea to set a budget and stick to it. 


4. His Past

I started this post by saying it is virtually impossible to know everything about someone, but additionally, you don’t need to know everything about each other.

So, when I say his past, I’m not saying everything; you don’t need to know about all his exes, for instance, only the important ones.

For example, if he has an ex who works with him presently, you should know about her.

A baby mama or ex-wife is vital information.

Besides that, it may not be necessary.

However, you should know about any traumas resulting from upbringing or past relationships.

You should know his family and educational background.

To understand why he is the way he is, you must know any significant event in his past that has shaped his present.


5. His Strengths And Weaknesses

Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

You need to know his strengths and weaknesses to manage your expectations and identify areas in which you can rely on him.

Often, men and women fall into the trap of projecting strengths and weaknesses on their spouses based on societal constructs.

That would be a recipe for disaster.

Unlike what’s generally believed, not every woman is naturally domestic.

She may learn to when a situation calls for it, but that doesn’t mean she’s naturally wired for it.

In the same vein, not every man is handy. Some men would rather call a handyman when a bulb needs to be changed.

So, knowing your husband as an individual will help you cover for areas you are strong in instead of expecting him to, and rely on him in areas he has strength.


6. His Communication Style

Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

Communication is vital for any relationship to thrive. So, no communication is not a communication style.

He must communicate, or you will have a bigger problem on your hands.

What I’m talking about here is how we all have different ways we prefer to communicate.

For instance, some people are more nonverbal than verbal. This situation is sensitive, though, as nonverbal cues can be misinterpreted.

If you have a husband like the above, you must encourage him to express his thoughts, especially when you cannot interpret what he’s trying to communicate.

Most people who prefer to communicate through their actions do so either because of trauma or because they are not articulate.

If it’s the former, you may need extra help in the form of therapy.

In the latter case, help by asking more open-ended questions and summarizing his thoughts when he’s done talking to ensure you don’t misunderstand.

Say something like, “Are you saying …?” or “If I understand you clearly, is this what you mean …? “Summarize what you understand and let them affirm or deny.

On the other hand, some people prefer to address issues immediately after they occur, while others like to sleep on issues before addressing them.

You must know your husband’s preferred style and meet him halfway.


7. His Dreams And Goals

You should know your husband’s dreams and goals.

You should know his plans for the future just like he should know yours because your visions for the future must align.

You are no longer individuals in the sense of total individuality but partners. Your lives are now intertwined.

So, you must understand how your dreams for your individual lives fit into the whole family vision. 

Each person must have a clear understanding of their role in achieving these goals and how they will support each other.

It shows that you are invested in his future and want to be a part of it.

This also helps to build trust and communication between the two of you.

Ask him questions about what he envisions for his career, personal growth, and overall happiness.

For instance, if he’s aiming to be president someday, you need to know this early and see how you can align it with your dream.


8. His Health History

You also need to know about his health.

Does he have allergies?

Is he managing any ailment?

Does his family have any hereditary sickness that you need to introduce lifestyle changes to prevent in him and his children?

For example, if your partner has a family history of heart disease, you may want to encourage them to adopt healthier eating habits and exercise regularly.

Additionally, knowing about any ongoing health issues can help you be more supportive as a partner.

You can offer to attend doctor appointments with them or make sure they have the necessary medications on hand.

These are all the information you need to know so you won’t be caught unawares in an emergency.


9. His Way Of Destressing


Things Every Wife Must Know About Their Husband

You need to know what stresses him out so you can avoid it as much as possible.

However, you can’t always protect him from stress because he interacts with the outside world.

But you must know how he destresses or recharges his battery and let him have it.

If he likes to hang out with his guys, withdraw to a man cave, take a nap, run, let him have that time without interrupting him.

Of course, he may enjoy destressing by spending time with you.

But if that’s not his style, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. So respect it.

Couples should learn the importance of allowing each other healthy boundaries when they ask for it.


10. What’s Important To Him

Understand what matters to him and support him even if it doesn’t make sense to you.

For instance, if he loves sports, you may not understand why that’s so enjoyable, but let him have it.

‘There’s no need to put it down, except, of course, it’s healthy banter.

It could also involve giving to charity, volunteering, evangelism, or even getting a promotion at work.

If it’s important to him, don’t fight him over it.

As long as what’s important to him is not detrimental to the family, then support him as he’s hopefully supporting what’s important to you as well.

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