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How To Make A Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games – 8 Sure Ways

How To Make A Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games – 8 Sure Ways

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A lot of mind games are usually advised when talking about making a guy chase you, and I get it.

It’s like using psychology, which requires manipulation to get someone to do what you want.

But do we want a relationship we got through manipulation?

I hope not.

Thankfully, you don’t need to play mind games to find love; you only need to properly position yourself to be found, attractive, and desired.

In this article, I will show you eight sure ways to get a guy to chase you without playing mind games.

How To Make A Guy Chase You Without Playing Mind Games – 8 Sure Ways

1. Work on Yourself

How to Make a Guy Chase You—Without Playing Mind Games!

Ask yourself an honest question: would you date you?

If your answer to this is yes, then your chances of attracting a man of substance are high.

But if you answer no, now is the right time to start working on yourself.

The truth is that we mostly attract what we deserve.

If you’re not a woman of substance, you’ll likely attract a man of like value.

So, if you want the man of your dreams to chase you, make yourself a woman worth pursuing.

This is not abstract; it is simply having a life and adding value to it and that of others around you—basically, having your life together.

I came across a woman on the internet some time ago who was relaying her love and proposal story.

She mentioned that while waiting to be found, she made herself ready.

She got her relationship with God together.

She improved herself professionally.

And she got her finances together by managing her money wisely and paying off her debts.

In essence, she got her life together and started giving off ‘wife material’ energy.

In no time, her man came.

I’m sure you get the idea.

Love yourself enough to do something about your life.

When he sees it, he will want to be a part of that. 

2. Stop Chasing Him

You can’t get a guy to chase you when you do all the chasing.

Of course, he doesn’t need to when you are doing enough chasing for both of you.

So, you need to take a break from pursuing him and let him do it.

Men are natural hunters, and they love to chase.

In fact, it thrills them.

He wants to be the one investing all that time to impress you and get your devotion.

It will likely turn him off if he feels he doesn’t have to do much to get you.

So, take a step back and let him chase you.

3. Be His Friend

How to Make a Guy Chase You—Without Playing Mind Games!

A man doesn’t just want a lover; he wants a friend.

Take genuine interest in him and befriend him.

Yes, he wants you to desire him, but not solely as someone to roll the hay with, except that’s all he wants from you.

But if he’s a man of substance, he wants someone to care about his core, which is what makes him tick.

And it will be clear that you have a genuine interest in him.

Get to know him, including his goals, values, likes, and dislikes.

Ask him questions and listen when he wants to talk.

It would be obvious when you mention random things about him that he might have forgotten he told you.

Show acts of kindness and care, especially when he least expects it.

For instance, you can buy him a birthday gift or send him a good luck message before a big presentation at work.

Don’t buy him a Valentine’s gift, though; that’d be doing too much, considering he’s not your boyfriend yet.

Compliment him as well and make him feel handsome.

Support his dreams and be his cheerleader.

The point is to show him he can find happiness and a safe space by being with you.

4. Keep An Air Of Mystery

You don’t need to divulge every piece of information about yourself at the beginning; keep an air of mystery around you that will make him want more.

If he feels like he knows everything there is to know about you, there is nothing to pursue anymore.

Also, you should know the kind of information to give out initially.

For instance, the first date is not the best time to discuss your childhood traumas or crazy ex.

However, you should divulge vital information that would impact the potential relationship, such as whether you have a child.

You should share that, but you can give him other things piece by piece so he doesn’t get bored.

5. Don’t Be Too Available

How to Make a Guy Chase You—Without Playing Mind Games!

Get busy, woman!

I apologize for the harsh words, but I need you to understand.

Get busy; find something to do.

And I’m not saying pretend to be busy when you’re not.

I’m actually saying find something to keep you busy if you aren’t.

If you are unemployed, volunteer and take courses.

If you’re busy, you’d hardly have time to stalk him and monitor his every move.

You’d be too occupied to text him every hour to check on him, giving him time to pursue you.

When you’re too available, it may communicate desperation, which may turn him off instead of attracting him.

6. Look Good

Men like to look at good things, and they like their women to look good.

This doesn’t mean you need to break the bank or even go against your principles.

It just means you should look presentable, clean, and smell nice.

Looking haggard every time he sees you will hardly attract a man to you.

As much as you want him to fall for your mind, he needs incentive to make him discover your mind.

7. Flirt Subtly

How to Make a Guy Chase You—Without Playing Mind Games!

Try a little flirting, just enough to let him know you are interested.

But not so much that he thinks you’re ready to throw caution to the winds to have him.

Contrary to popular opinion, guys are also afraid of rejection, which can prevent them from chasing you even if they want to.

So, giving him a little green light to show you wouldn’t mind being with him while leaving the chasing in his hands will be effective.

8. Let Go If Necessary

Lastly, I must add that there’s no formula for getting a particular guy to chase you because, ultimately, we are dealing with emotions.

These tips work generally and would only work on a particular guy if he’s already attracted to you.

They would make him chase you quicker and not be turned off.

But if a guy doesn’t want you, he doesn’t.

There’s no amount of tips that can help you in that situation.

Plus, I reckon you don’t want a guy that has to be compelled to be with you anyway.

So, don’t be afraid to let go of a guy that doesn’t want you.

If not, you’ll get desperate and chase relentlessly, which could make him want you less.

Instead, be secure in who you are as a woman, understanding that someone out there will fall in love with all you are and chase you till he gets you. 

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