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Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because Of These 7 Reasons

Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because Of These 7 Reasons

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The consensus of most men is that women are basically complex.

I knew this from as far back as when I was a kid when my father would joke and say, “The whole world can’t contain a book that explains everything about women.”

Growing up with this ideology led me to realize that women were not exactly what you would call an open book.

I have heard many men speak of this complexity of women in exasperated tones.

However, despite this exasperation, some women still seem to exude a unique air of mystery that rarely fails to attract men.

Have you ever noticed how some women effortlessly catch the attention of men, leaving them intrigued and hungry for more?

One thing is usually noticeable about them.

They often possess an air of mystery that enchants most men.

If you really can’t understand guys’ insane attraction to mysterious women, you are in the right place.

This article will explore why guys are attracted to mysterious women.

Come along!

Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because Of These 7 Reasons

1. Mysterious women are thrilling

Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because of These Reasons

The thrill of the unknown!

Many men are actually thrillseekers.

Even from a very young age, boys are indoctrinated in this, and those who do not have it in them to seek thrill are usually ostracized.

I know this because I am a male, and I still haven’t told my parents some of the craziest things I did as a kid just for the thrill of it.

While I outgrew that phase as a kid, many men never outgrow it.

They grow up into men who seek thrill in almost everything they do.

They engage in extreme sports, car racing, and other extreme activities just for the thrill of it.

Their relationship life is not different.

Many men go after women just for the thrill of the hunt, and sometimes they get hooked because after the thrill of the hunt fades away, something else takes its place…

The thrill of the unknown.

A mysterious woman is an enigma that keeps on drawing them in.

Mystery adds an element of excitement and adventure to any interaction.

When a woman keeps just enough of herself back to stoke a man’s curiosity, it pulls him in.

Most men are naturally drawn to challenging situations.

In this case, the challenge is simply getting to know a mysterious woman.

Most guys can’t resist the thrill of uncovering the various layers surrounding the mysterious and finally getting to see her as she truly is.

2. Her private life

Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because of These Reasons

This world is filled with people oversharing their life details on social media.

Finally, meeting someone who knows how to keep things private and where they should be is refreshing.

A mysterious woman is exactly what it implies…

A private lady who may not be so welcoming to many people and who is careful about what she shares with the public.

She is extremely selective about who she lets into her inner circle, and for a man, this is a great attribute.

One of them is that her selectiveness makes being close to her feel very special.

Knowing that not many people can speak of such a relationship with her is a huge flex for many guys.

Apart from this, being one of the people closest to a mysterious woman is a challenge that most men embrace wholeheartedly.

Many guys go out of their way to forge a connection with a woman when it seems difficult.

One time in secondary school, we had this quiet girl in school.

She was a beautiful senior but wasn’t even talking to her classmates.

What hope did junior students like me have?

Almost non-existent, right?

I took up the challenge even if the odds were against me.

I walked up to her during a lunch break and struck up a conversation with her.

I had her laughing in a few minutes, and we talked like old friends.

We became close, but she hardly spoke to anyone else.

This made me feel so special.

The fact is that mysterious women are special and desirable, and forging a connection with one can make a guy feel special about himself.

3. Her confidence

I saw an article showing women how to be mysterious in a few simple steps and laughed.

Really, there is nothing forced about being mysterious.

I personally don’t believe it is something that can be learned.

You can learn to be a little more private with your life but that mysterious aura is something that can’t be learned.

It is a by-product of her confidence and self-assurance.

If you look intently at it, most people who overshare their lives on social media or with others are plagued by inadequacy.

They consistently feel the need to be likable and share things that they shouldn’t in the process.

Mysterious women are an exception to this.

They don’t overshare because they don’t have that overwhelming urge to be liked by others.

Rather, they exude a quiet confidence that speaks loudly of their self-assurance.

They are comfortable in their own skin.

Guys are usually attracted to mysterious women because confidence is attractive, and they usually have that in abundance.

4. Her independence

Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because of These Reasons

Ages ago, many men didn’t like it when a woman was independent.

It was dangerous to them because it made women start thinking they were equal to them.

That thought endangered all forms of benefits the men enjoyed over females.

Many years later, younger generations of men seem to be very different from the previous ones.

Independence, which was once a loathed quality, is now a desired quality in a woman.

Women who carry an air of mystery around them seem to embody this quality more than others.

They seem to have established boundaries between themselves and the world as a sign of their independence.

They are self-assured and do not need validation from anybody else to feel good about themselves.

Also, their self-reliance is something that intrigues most guys.

This may sound sexist, but most of the ladies I know usually need me for something or the other.

So, meeting a lady who doesn’t rely on me to do things for her is like a breath of fresh air.

It makes me want to help her even when she doesn’t ask for help.

It makes me want to be there for her all the time.

This is not just restricted to me.

This is how most guys feel about mysterious ladies.

5. They are drawn to the hidden vulnerability beneath the mysterious surface

Another thing that attracts most guys to mysterious women is that you can sometimes sense an underlying vulnerability beyond the aura of mystery they carry.

You can sense it even when you can’t feel it, and thus, you find yourself bent on getting to know that side of her.

Most guys are attracted to mysterious women because they are bent on unraveling the sensitive soul they sense beneath the outer layers of mystery.

Being mysterious is nice, but sometimes, you may need someone to open up to.

Guys are usually drawn to women like this because they want to be the one person they open up to.

6. Their avoidance of gossip

Growing up, the misconception was that women loved to gossip more than men.

As I grew older, I realized we have people who gossip across genders.

The fact is that many people love to gossip.

In fact, I wouldn’t even have had any issues with the act if it wasn’t for the fact that such conversations are usually negative.

Everyone talks to their friends and even mysterious people who love to be quiet.

They talk to those people they have built a strong connection with.

However, gossiping is bad because it entails speaking negatively about someone when they are absent and cannot defend themselves.

Mysterious women usually avoid participating in such discussions.

They have an aversion to talking about people negatively.

This attitude is truly admirable.

They prefer to do things appropriately and hence, command the respect of people.

My mom is an example of a woman people see as mysterious.

She hardly talks to people in our neighborhood.

She greets them pleasantly enough but doesn’t encourage too much conversation.

This is not because she feels she is better than they are.

Rather, she does this because she values her peace and she knows that nothing good comes from gossip.

Well, men are attracted to mysterious women like this because they are attracted to peace too.

They want to be with someone that gives them peace of mind.

7. Calmness

Guys Are Attracted To Mysterious Women Because of These Reasons

The fact remains that maintaining an aura of mystery usually requires cool-headedness.

It is hard for anyone to be mysterious if they are hotheaded or do not have their temper under control.

One of the most attractive features of a mysterious woman to a man is the fact that she is usually in control of her temper.

She rarely displays anger or other impulsive behaviors even in the most challenging situations.

This is a very endearing quality, especially for those men who have generalized the misconception of all women being emotional.

Ultimately, the allure of mystery is so powerful that it acts like a magnet drawing people to it.

Just by exhibiting that mysterious aura, a woman can snag a man’s interest and keep him coming back for more.

Mysterious women have a unique charm that is difficult for many men to resist.

And if you are not mysterious, you shouldn’t be so bothered.

Not all men are attracted to mystery.

Trying to be mysterious because you want to attract guys won’t help you.

Rather, aim to be a better version of yourself.

Be comfortable in your own skin and also be focused on constant self-development.

You will discover that men also find it hard to resist women who are comfortable being themselves.

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