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Mabel's Blog

  Are you also surprised that things a married woman should never do with another man is even a topic to be discussed?  Like, why do we need to name the things a married woman should not be found doing with another man?  Aren’t women supposed to know already?  The truth is, just because a …

Read More about 5 Things A Married Woman Should Never Do With Another Man

Marriage is an institution that comes with different seasons. No doubt, marriage is beautiful, but it takes a lot of work and intentionality to build. Some marriages start off with the honeymoon and enjoyment stage where everything is about butterflies in the belly and feelings. As they journey, they face challenges and try to adapt …

Read More about 10 Signs That A Woman Is Fed Up In A Marriage

Words are powerful. Words can build up or tear down. Words can bring people closer together or drive them apart. In marriage, words hold a special weight and have the power to shape our relationship. Maintaining a strong marriage takes effort, communication, and a lot of love. While there’s more to communication than just words, …

Read More about 9 Simple Phrases That Can Strengthen Your Marriage Every Day

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to let the spark in our relationships flicker, even in the most loving and committed marriages. I know this too well, being in this marriage business for over seven years.  I also know that a little flirtation can go a long way toward rekindling the …

Read More about 100 Fun Flirty Text Messages To Send To Your Husband

A marriage without intimacy is at best, an association. Physical intimacy is one vital ingredient that makes marriage sweet. When we say physical intimacy, people are quick to cap it up as meaning sex, but that’s untrue. Physical intimacy includes sex, kissing, hugging, foreplay, and any physical way of stewarding deep connection in marriage. I …

Read More about 8 Things I Stopped Doing That Were Hurting Physical Intimacy In Our Marriage

Humans are naturally opportunistic creatures. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our lives, whether it’s through career advancement, financial gain, or personal growth. And we should. It’s smart to seize opportunities when they present themselves in order to achieve our goals and dreams. But what happens when this opportunistic nature extends into a …

Read More about 9 Subtle Signs of An Opportunist Husband