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Mabel's Blog

You already know that fights are normal in a marriage, right? I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that.  By fights, I don’t mean physical altercations (although those should never be tolerated) where everyone is throwing punches and breaking things. I’m talking about arguments, disagreements, and conflicts that arise from time to time …

Read More about When Your Husband Walks Away During a Fight:10 Things It Means

No one enters marriage planning to cheat. Oh well, except for serial cheaters, but that’s a different story. Most people expect their marriage to be fulfilling in every way – emotionally, physically, and mentally. So, we get married to build a life of partnership, trust, and connection. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, marriage falls …

Read More about 4 Things Affair Partners Offer That Marriages May Lack

Physical intimacy isn’t always a perfect, out-of-this-world experience where two people are completely lost in the moment. No, love. Especially for us women who are juggling many roles and responsibilities, our minds tend to wander during those intimate moments. Sure, it can be magical, but if you’re a woman, you know your mind doesn’t always …

Read More about 9 Things Women Think About During Physical Intimacy

LOVE… the most abused world in the world! Yes, I said it. Often, what we call love is not love; it is just selfishness masquerading or infatuation. In fact, obsession could take on a form of love, but it’s only a smoke screen. It is not love because you both look so adorable smiling and …

Read More about 10 Things A Woman Will Never Do If She Truly Loves You

Marriage is created for a primary purpose—companionship.  We fall in love and get married because we desire to have someone who’ll be our companion, our ride-or-die (I prefer to say “live”, lol), our best friend, someone we can do life with, and a confidant. So, it goes without saying that your spouse should be your …

Read More about When Your Wife Confides in Another Man: 10 Things It Means

Men are like rocks, or at least most of them. But even rocks can crack and crumble under commensurate pressure. Two weeks ago, I heard a man say to his crying five-year-old son, “Men don’t cry. Stop crying.” I shook my head in disbelief and upset. Sadly, many men are brought up with these ideologies …

Read More about 10 Signs A Man Is Unhappy With Himself

Have you heard people, particularly Nigerians, make cryptic comments on social media?  “Marriage no be beans o.” “Marriage no be for small pikin.” “Marriage is not for the faint-hearted!” They say these because, away from the glam and glitz online, the matching pajamas and PDAs, a lot of work goes into building a strong and …

Read More about 15 Things That Make Marriages Extremely Hard