I am so grateful for social media and the ease it has brought to the world and my life specifically. The ease of information and the access to learn from people with whom you would ordinarily wouldn’t have been able to connect. The other day, I needed to get a new mosquito net in my …
Love & Relationships
The idea of a relationship is for two people to come together, love each other, and offer each other value. That’s why one person can’t do a relationship alone. No matter how good you are, if your partner is not doing their part, the relationship will suffer. Besides, who wants to be in a relationship …
“Relationship is a delicate dance of give and take. Just like everything else; sowing and reaping, asking and receiving…” A friend once used these words to describe relationship to me and they just stuck. Relationships are all about give and take. Couples are expected to put in effort to make their relationships work. However, sometimes …
Most of the time, I see people talking about how difficult it is to find love in this generation, and I groan because we haven’t even started talking about finding love with the right person. For many ladies, finding Mr Right can be tricky on several levels. First, there is the sad fact that most …
A relationship is not just about the rush of emotions and passionate feelings between two people. It is also about what they do for each other. Over the years, we have all been so focused on what a man has to do for his woman. Different women have different opinions on this, but they still …
If you have ever asked yourself what a man should bring to her man’s life, you are not alone. After all, we all want to be sure we are adding value to our relationship. So, if you’ve ever asked this or can relate to wondering how you can add to your man’s life, you are …
My boy is four years old and as young as he is, I imagine myself vetting whoever he brings home to meet me as his partner. Of course, I’m not unreasonable; I know my son will have to love another woman and make a life with her. I wish that for him, too, and I …