I had a neighbor and friend whose parents’ marriage I admired immensely growing up. I remember hoping to have a marriage like theirs when I grew up because they fit the image of the fairy tale romance novels sold to me: they held hands, gave each other pecks in public, and made grand gestures. As …
Intimacy has always been linked with love and marriage. Physical intimacy is very important in marriage. However, as a kid growing up, adults would usually make us feel like physical intimacy wasn’t something you would want to do all the time when you have been married for long. Of course, we didn’t believe that because, …
Marriage is beautiful – far more beautiful than anything the movies and books can portray. But it requires work. “A great marriage consists of keeping promises made to each other when it matters most – when they are put to the test.” – Anonymous. The marriage vows are not just light words said to sweep …
“Men are simple creatures,” my friend Funmi said, waving her spoon dramatically during one of our lunch dates. “Feed them, love them, and they’re fine.” But as I watched her husband’s face subtly light up when she complimented his new tie, I thought, Are they really that simple? Truth is, while men might not always …
Marriage can be beautiful, but let’s be honest; it’s not always smooth sailing. As the popular saying goes, “Marriage is not always a bed of roses.” Unfortunately, it does not depend on whether you married the right person or not. No matter who you marry, marriage is not smooth sailing. However, for those who married …
Marriage can be called many things, but effortless is not one of them. Scratch that. Staying happily married can be called many things, but effortless is not one of them. When I was in uni, one of my professors once said, “Marriage is like a walk in the park… except the park is Jurassic Park.“ …
Some time ago, I took a moment to think about my relationships. I was feeling particularly low that day, and it felt like my closest friends weren’t there for me. The truth is that I was feeling quite used in my relationships. I had always been there for them through tough times, but right when …