When two people get married, they are obligated to love each other unconditionally. You chose and married each other—hopefully —nobody did that for you—so now it’s your duty to love them forever. Many people do their best to fulfill this obligation no matter what their partner does or does not do. But the truth is …
There is this tendency to paint men as ravenous creatures with huge sexual appetites. While this may be true for some men, it is not the reality of many men. However, regardless of how ravenous a man can be, there are several times in marriage when intimacy is usually at a low. This happens even …
I am sure the average man would be shocked to know that there are things he is expected to do after intimacy. I mean, most men literally just roll over and sleep off (sometimes even snoring deeply). Most women really find this particular habit irritating, but the truth is that most men don’t know what …
There’s a joy that comes with doing some things alone. However, it’s common for wives, who are probably mothers, to get drowned in a sea of housework, career or business, attending to family and friends, and meeting social obligations. It makes them forget to or not create time for themselves at all. They’re constantly taking …
Most times, people don’t just suddenly do things; there is usually a pattern. Don’t get me wrong – people can change and do change. However, even with changes, most people don’t start with the extreme. In most cases, they start gradually. So, there is usually a pattern leading to whatever major decision they end up …
A friend once told me something that stuck with me. After an intimate night with her husband, she expected him to just roll over and sleep, as she had heard many men do. But instead, he pulled her close, whispered how much he loved her, and absentmindedly traced circles on her back as they lay …
Intimacy is a crucial aspect of marriage. Many couples take it for granted, and this has caused a great number of issues in several relationships. Taking intimacy for granted has this uncanny way of making even a relationship between people who love each other suffer. This is why it must be critically examined. However, there …