All over the internet, you can always find articles listing the negatives of marriage, and some people believe that happy marriages are “audio” (meaning fake in Nigerian street slang). However, that is not true. Even though we like to think that happily ever afters are fairy tales and don’t exist in the real world, there …
I don’t think loneliness and marriage should be mentioned in the same sentence. Isn’t the whole point of getting married companionship? You may not agree with me, but if someone is going to end up still feeling lonely after marriage, then should they even get married at all? Well, let me not speak in absolutes …
Oh, how I hate being bored! Boredom can be really annoying and even borderline frustrating. I can deal with temporary moments of lack of fun and activity in my life, but when the boredom gets prolonged, I immediately have to do something about it because I hate being bored. Boredom happens to the best of …
A marriage without intimacy is at best, an association. Physical intimacy is one vital ingredient that makes marriage sweet. When we say physical intimacy, people are quick to cap it up as meaning sex, but that’s untrue. Physical intimacy includes sex, kissing, hugging, foreplay, and any physical way of stewarding deep connection in marriage. I …
Happiness is free!” has become a catchphrase on the internet. However, is it really free, especially in the context of marriage? I believe that happiness in marriage is the product of intentional efforts to grow and nurture the relationship. A happy marriage is expressed in the joy of the couple and their children; after all, …
I hear people say that men always desire respect and want their women to show love to them by respecting them. I don’t know about that because what I believe is that respect is a two-way street and both parties in a relationship need it, not just the man. Intrinsically, we all desire to be …
When my husband and I were dating, I was convinced I would be an award-winning wife. I mean, I saw myself as someone who would totally kill it in marriage. Color me surprised when we got married; things weren’t exactly how I pictured them. Slowly and painfully, I began to come face to face with …