Discovering that your husband is cheating on you is one of the worst betrayals ever. I think it is so diabolical that it is only second to Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. It is one of the worst experiences, leaving scars, regardless of how well you move on. The saddest effect of being a victim of …
No one lies better than a man trying to hide the fact that he is cheating. Let’s face the truth: all men having an affair know that they are doing a terrible thing, hence the need to keep it hidden. Most men who cheat can say or do just about anything to hide the fact …
In life, relationships need a lot of work and investment, regardless of their length. Marriage is perhaps the relationship that requires the most amount of work. There are no happily ever afters in marriage, and if you are ready to keep your marriage vows, you must be ready for ups and downs. Am I painting …
“What can I do to ensure my husband stays loyal?” This is a common question among married women. No one wants to suffer the pain and trauma of being abandoned by the man they love. Hence, the question. The only issue is that when many women ask this question, they expect answers like “Five Easy …
Love is such a beautiful phenomenon, and marriage to someone who loves you equally could be an exciting journey. At the beginning of most relationships and marriages, couples are usually excited about the new phase they are starting. However, in most relationships, this feeling usually cools off and evolves into something quieter and more mature… …
Mornings are quite important. This is not an article on productivity, but I will share a productivity hack with you. Waking up with the right energy is important. Every morning allows you to set the tone for the day ahead. This is why you will discover that you are more productive when you wake up …
Cheating hurts! There is really no other way to put it. It can be frustrating when you consider the fact that your lover, with whom you believed you would spend your life together, is cheating on you. That break in trust and lack of consideration for you can be depressing. However, some people might say …