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Watching the excitement and fun gradually seep out of your marriage can be a very discouraging experience. Your mind travels back to the times when the sparks were flying everywhere, your emotions were on steroids and you both couldn’t get your hands off each other. Good morning kisses, random playful smacks on your butt, flirting …

Read More about 9 Signs Your Marriage Is Losing Its Spark

I can’t believe there was a time when I used to think that going for marriage counseling meant a couple’s marriage was falling apart. I thought that counseling was like the last resort couples went for when their marriage was about to bite the dust. Well, I was completely wrong. Counseling can be the intervention …

Read More about 11 Signs Your Marriage Needs Some Counseling

Love isn’t all you need to have a successful relationship. In fact, it is only the starting point of what could be a successful relationship, all other things being equal. Trust and intimacy are a few of the “other things” that have been spoken about in depth. However, I feel like we don’t speak enough …

Read More about 8 Signs Of A Financially Irresponsible Husband

All over the internet, you can always find articles listing the negatives of marriage, and some people believe that happy marriages are “audio” (meaning fake in Nigerian street slang). However, that is not true. Even though we like to think that happily ever afters are fairy tales and don’t exist in the real world, there …

Read More about 10 Super Signs A Woman Is Truly Happy In Her Marriage

I don’t think loneliness and marriage should be mentioned in the same sentence. Isn’t the whole point of getting married companionship? You may not agree with me, but if someone is going to end up still feeling lonely after marriage, then should they even get married at all? Well, let me not speak in absolutes …

Read More about 9 Signs A Woman Is Feeling Lonely In Her Marriage

Oh, how I hate being bored! Boredom can be really annoying and even borderline frustrating. I can deal with temporary moments of lack of fun and activity in my life, but when the boredom gets prolonged, I immediately have to do something about it because I hate being bored. Boredom happens to the best of …

Read More about 7 Signs A Woman Is Bored In Her Marriage

A marriage without intimacy is at best, an association. Physical intimacy is one vital ingredient that makes marriage sweet. When we say physical intimacy, people are quick to cap it up as meaning sex, but that’s untrue. Physical intimacy includes sex, kissing, hugging, foreplay, and any physical way of stewarding deep connection in marriage. I …

Read More about 8 Things I Stopped Doing That Were Hurting Physical Intimacy In Our Marriage