Often, women make the mistake of thinking men don’t feel hurt by their actions because we see men as strange beings without emotions.
We might not say it explicitly, but we sometimes act like we think men don’t have emotions.
But every human being has emotions—some are just more in touch with them than others based on many factors, including how they grew up.
However, since you are not here for a psychology class, let’s not get into it.
What matters is that men also feel neglected by their wives, and just like women, it can bring out certain responses in them.
You may not know you are neglecting your husband – I will admit that we can sometimes unintentionally hurt the people we care about.
But with this post, you will be able to see certain signs he feels you are neglecting him.
That way, you can seek redress before it worsens.
7 Clear Signs Your Husband Feels Neglected By You
1. He No Longer Talks To You
When I say, “he no longer talks to you,” I am not saying this literally because it is practically impossible for a couple to live together and have nothing to say to each other.
If that is the case and it happens beyond a day or two, then that’s probably a bigger problem than what we are talking about here.
I say a day or two because I understand some people might need time when they are angry or hurt – I won’t recommend it, but that might still be understandable because people are different.
In general, because your lives are intertwined, there has to be something to say – the kids, bills, day-to-day running of the house, and what have you.
So, this is not what I am talking about.
I am talking about sharing things with you – the important, random, and even the silly things.
If your husband used to share every little detail of his day with you and suddenly stopped, something is wrong.
And it could be because he feels neglected.
A man who feels neglected may shut down emotionally because his conversations feel unappreciated or ignored.
He might assume you’re too busy or uninterested, so he stops trying.
After all, why talk to someone who doesn’t seem interested in what you have to say?
So, he will choose silence over speaking to the air.
2. He Doesn’t Seem Happy
If you love someone and pay attention to them, you should know when they are happy and when they aren’t.
Most people have signature behavior that shows they are happy or sad.
For instance, if your husband always had a spark in his eyes but it’s now gone, it could be because he feels unseen or unimportant.
A neglected man may feel emotionally disconnected, which can take a toll on his overall happiness.
He may give you forced smiles or fake enthusiasm so you wouldn’t notice, but if you are observant, you should notice there is no life behind the smile.
For some others though, they may give complete indifference because they are trying to pretend the neglect is not getting to them.
A usually happy man who suddenly becomes miserable is a sign that something is missing.
3. He Doesn’t Seem Like Himself
When we are in love, we are usually ourselves with the person we are with because of how comfortable we are around them.
One way I knew my man was the one for me was how comfortable I was to be myself around him.
In the same vein, when we don’t feel that love, we may no longer feel comfortable to be ourselves.
We may start to feel like we are walking on eggshells around the person.
So, when a man starts feeling neglected, he can lose touch with the version of himself that he used to be.
For instance, if he used to be energetic, playful, or talkative, but now he seems like a different person, it’s likely he feels neglected.
You may think it is external stress, but it isn’t always about that.
Sometimes, emotional neglect in a marriage can change someone.
If your husband feels like he’s not being valued or heard, he might withdraw into himself and even become a shadow of himself.
4. He Looks Withdrawn
Similar to the point above, another sign that your husband feels neglected by you is if he looks withdrawn emotionally.
Does your husband seem lost in thought more often than usual, staring into space or isolating himself?
Or he may be spending a lot of time scrolling through his phone.
If yes, he may be feeling neglected.
I read a post about phone addiction a while back, and the writer alluded to the fact that one of the reasons people become addicted is that they feel neglected or lonely.
So, they are trying to fill that void with their phone.
In the same vein, a neglected man may withdraw emotionally and mentally because he feels alone even when he’s with you.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to be present; it’s that he doesn’t feel connected because he has been ignored so many times before.
5. He Reduces Physical Intimacy
At the risk of sounding stereotypical, I think one thing we can all agree with is that men are largely physical beings.
It is not natural for a man to pull away from physical affection or intimacy — usually, something is wrong somewhere.
So, if your husband starts withdrawing or reducing cuddling, kisses, and the actual intimacy, it can be a sign of emotional neglect.
When a man feels unloved or emotionally disconnected, physical intimacy can begin to feel like a routine to him rather than what’s meant to be – an expression of your love.
Although some men wouldn’t mind, for some, they need that emotional connection to get there physically as well.
This is particularly true when they are with a woman they love.
He may not even realize he’s doing it, but deep down, he’s responding to the emotional emptiness he feels.
6. He Is Irritable And Grumpy
When someone is sad, it reflects in the way they react to others.
I know I do the same—my friend calls it a transfer of aggression—but often, my interaction with others depends on how I feel inside.
It may be wrong, but I guess it’s just one of those things many of us struggle with as humans.
So, it is unsurprising to see a man who feels neglected react with frustration, even over the smallest things.
If your man is snapping at you more than usual and is constantly annoyed or short-tempered, it could be because he feels unseen or unappreciated.
When emotional needs go unmet, people grow resentful and their frustration can come out in unexpected ways, including being grumpy.
So, watch out if you have an unusually irritable husband; he is likely growing resentful.
7. He Avoids Talks About The Future
What’s the point, right?
At least, that’s how he feels.
It takes someone feeling valued and secure in their relationship to look forward to the future with excitement.
If your husband suddenly stops making future plans or avoids conversations about what’s next, it might be because he’s feeling disconnected.
Most likely, he is questioning where he stands in your life, so why bother talking about the future with you?
He might even assume you won’t be interested and be scared of facing rejection when he brings it up.
So, he rather avoids it and keeps it in.