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How To Make Your Husband Regret Taking You For Granted: 7 Ways

How To Make Your Husband Regret Taking You For Granted: 7 Ways

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Although thankfully, I don’t experience this in my marriage, I have experienced this in a relationship. 

And I will be the first person to tell you it is one of the worst places to be – trying to get someone to see and acknowledge you and your efforts to love them. 

My ex got so used to me being there because we dated for quite a while that he started taking me for granted. 

I tried everything to get us back to where we were when he was wooing me and even when the relationship started, all to no avail. 

It was only when I changed tactics that I started to notice some changes—I will share what I did in this post. 

Now, you might be wondering if you should bother listening to me since the guy and I still broke up. 

Well, we had deeper issues than him taking me for granted, which inevitably led to a break-up. 

But I will tell you some of the things I employed when I noticed I was being taken for granted as well as things I have learnt in my marriage that work. 

I bet it will work for you, too. 

How To Make Your Husband Regret Taking You For Granted: 7 Ways

1. Tell Him

How to Make Your Husband Regret Taking You for Granted

Honestly, it doesn’t get any easier than this in some situations. 

Many times, women overthink and overcomplicate issues more than they should. 

While I didn’t learn this in my relationship, one thing my husband has taught me is to tell him everything bothering me. 

Trust me, I am just as much an overthinker as most women out there, so I understand. 

But one time, after a huge fight, my husband said, “You know half of our fights will end if you just asked me about things confusing you, or tell me what you need instead of creating complicated scenarios in your head.”

That was a huge wake-up call for me. 

Little by little, I got better at telling him what I needed, and our relationship improved greatly. 

What am I driving at? 

Sometimes, men don’t even realize they’re taking you for granted. 

So, if you’ve been feeling unappreciated, speak up. 

Let him know – calmly but firmly – how his actions (or lack of them) make you feel. 

You don’t even need to nag or give in to emotional outbursts, as that could make things worse. 

Sit him down and have a direct conversation. I have learned that men respond better when you’re clear, assertive, and polite. 

Talking about it might be the wake-up call he needs, like I needed one. 

This is all you need to do for good men, and everything will be well again. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean he will perfect it in one day, but he will feel regret for upsetting you and will put effort into changing. 

2. Stop Doing What You Used To Do For Him

Normally, I wouldn’t suggest this, but in this context, it works.

Nothing like making him miss what he has come to expect but doesn’t appreciate to make him regret his actions. 

If you’ve been cooking, cleaning, or handling the little things that make his life easier, he doesn’t seem to notice. 

If he’s acting like all your efforts are expected rather than appreciated, it’s time to step back. 

Stop doing everything for him. 

Let him feel the absence of your care. 

You know that saying – you never know what you have until it’s no longer there?

That’s what we are channeling here. 

When he runs out of clean socks or realizes his favorite meal isn’t magically appearing on the table, he’ll start to miss the effort you put into making his life comfortable. 

At that point, he will understand that you are doing a lot to make his life easy because you care about him, not because you are a doormat

So, the least he can do is see your efforts and appreciate them. 

3. Focus On Yourself

How to Make Your Husband Regret Taking You for Granted

Maybe it’s time to shift the energy you’ve been pouring into him back into yourself. 

All that time you’ve been using to make his life easier, use it to pamper yourself, chase your goals, and start doing things that bring you joy. 

It is possible you’ve put your dreams on hold for the marriage, as many women can relate to. 

It’s time to pick those dreams back up. 

Invest in self-care – hit the gym, change your look, learn a new skill, enjoy your hobbies – those are what make you glow. 

Trust me, when you glow up physically, mentally, and emotionally, he’ll take notice, especially when other men start to pay you compliments. 

I am not saying you should do it to fish for compliments; I am saying a woman who focuses on her own happiness is naturally attractive. 

People will naturally notice and mention it, which will make him pay attention even if he didn’t at first. 

He’ll start wondering why your attention is no longer centered on him; that should make him regret taking you for granted.

4. Revive Your Social Life

Again, women are usually the ones who fall into this trap of putting their life on the back burner once they get married. 

So, if you’ve been stuck in the “wife bubble,” it’s time to revive your life outside of being a wife. 

Don’t get me wrong – there is nothing wrong with being a wife or a mother or investing in those roles. 

However, you should also have a life outside of that – that’s what makes you a well-rounded person. 

If you’ve not been doing this, get back in touch with old friends – be ready to do some groveling to get back in their good books, as some might be upset. 

Start saying yes to more social outings, and enjoy yourself outside of your marriage. 

Of course, you shouldn’t disrespect your marriage by doing this—make sure to discuss with him when you want to go out. 

The intent is not to ruin your marriage but to remind him that you have a life beyond being his wife. 

When he sees you laughing, glowing, and enjoying yourself without needing him to complete the picture, he’ll start to realize what he’s been neglecting.

5. Set Boundaries And Stand By Them

How to Make Your Husband Regret Taking You for Granted

If he’s been crossing lines and you’ve been letting it slide, you need to start setting firm boundaries. 

For instance, call him out if he speaks to you disrespectfully or expects you to tolerate neglect. 

Once you set those boundaries, don’t waver; be firm. 

I know it might not be easy, especially if you are naturally soft, but he needs to know you won’t change your mind to take you seriously. 

When he sees that you respect yourself enough to demand better treatment, he’ll realize he can no longer take advantage of your kindness. 

Plus, he’ll start regretting all the times he failed to treat you right.

6. Let Him See You Can Live Without Him

Nothing makes a man regret taking you for granted like realizing he’s not the center of your universe. 

It is easy to take you for granted when he feels like you cannot live without him. 

So, you need to make sure he knows you can. 

And you don’t do this by telling him; you must let him see it. 

Start by acting like you’re completely fine without him. 

Stop begging for his attention and go about your day unbothered. 

When he sees that his lack of effort doesn’t break you, it’ll shake him. 

He might have assumed you’d always be there, but now he’s faced with the reality that you’re capable, independent, and thriving whether he steps up or not. 

At that point, he will start being afraid of losing you and regret all the times he’s taken you for granted. 

7. Be Successful

How to Make Your Husband Regret Taking You for Granted

Success is the ultimate clapback. 

If you want someone to regret how they are treating you, you need to start winning in every area of your life – your career or business, personal growth, and passions. 

If he didn’t appreciate you before, when he sees you excelling in life, he’ll regret not valuing you when he had the chance.

So, work on getting that promotion, launch that business, and glow with confidence. 

He’ll look at you and wonder why he didn’t see your worth before.

Sharing is caring!


Friday 14th of March 2025

Thanks for this wonderful