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If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He’ll Never Cheat

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He’ll Never Cheat

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Most times, people don’t just suddenly do things; there is usually a pattern. 

Don’t get me wrong – people can change and do change. 

However, even with changes, most people don’t start with the extreme.

In most cases, they start gradually. 

So, there is usually a pattern leading to whatever major decision they end up taking. 

Where am I going with this?

Usually, when a man is going to cheat or is a perpetual cheat, there are signs that point to that. 

Conversely, there are also signs that a man is very unlikely to cheat. 

He will display some traits that will show that he is not a cheat.

If you want to know if your husband falls into this category, keep reading. 

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He’ll Never Cheat

1. He is honest and transparent

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He'll Never Cheat

A man who has nothing to hide, hides nothing. 

If your husband openly shares his thoughts, whereabouts, and even the small details of his day without you having to pry, that’s a great sign he will not cheat on you. 

I say often that there is a difference between honesty and transparency. 

I know they are similar, but honesty is telling the truth when asked, and transparency is laying all your cards on the table even without being asked. 

So, if you ask me, I think transparency is stronger. 

That is not to say honesty isn’t great, and that’s why I made sure to include them both. 

Honesty and transparency are what spur a man to willingly give you access to his life. 

They are what makes a man an open book, such that he tells you everything even without you asking. 

If a man does that, he is unlikely to be sneaking around. 

Cheating thrives in secrecy, but an honest man keeps everything in the light. 

You don’t have to worry about checking his phone or second-guessing his words because he’s already giving you the truth, unfiltered.

2. He is comfortable with routine

Some men chase excitement and are constantly seeking a thrill — sometimes, at the expense of their marriage. 

But when a man finds joy in the little routines of life with you, that’s a keeper. 

In the movie, Good Deeds, Gabrielle Union’s character was sure her fiancé wasn’t cheating on her because she knew his routine like the back of her hand. 

And when he started acting out of character, that was when he was developing feelings for someone else. 

I say that to say when a man follows a routine and enjoys it, there is a high chance he won’t cheat on his wife. 

If you know his routine, it’s home to work and back home. 

Then, maybe Friday nights are for his friends, Wednesdays are for Bible Study, and Saturday mornings are for volunteering. 

I am not saying the above routine must be the ideal; all I am saying is that if a man has a predictable schedule, it means he is not chasing excitement and most likely wouldn’t feel the need to cheat on his woman. 

It shows that he doesn’t feel the need to escape or shake things up by seeking attention elsewhere. 

If he’s satisfied with the life you’ve built together, he’s not out looking for distractions.

3. He speaks against cheaters

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He'll Never Cheat

Before I met my man, one way I filtered men was by observing their views on things that mattered to me. 

In particular, I watched out for their opinion on viral rape or cheating stories online. 

Sometimes, I intentionally sent social media posts to them and asked them what they thought. 

I made sure not to say what I thought first, so they wouldn’t pretend to agree with me. 

And most times, I was able to get what they felt about cheating and abuse. 

Basically, what I am saying is that a man’s views on infidelity say a lot about him. 

If your husband doesn’t excuse or justify cheating — in conversations, movies, or among friends — it is clear he is drawing a line. 

If you see him show disgust and anger when he hears about infidelity or watches it in movies, then it is a clear sign he won’t indulge in it. 

When a man dismisses infidelity as “just a mistake” or “something all men do,” he is more likely to fall into it. 

But if he openly condemns cheating and stands firm on loyalty, chances are, he walks that talk.

4. He trusts you 

I remember telling a friend at university that my brother was single because he was. 

He argued with me vehemently that it is impossible for a man to be single. 

According to him, men cannot stay single and always have someone at hand. 

His perspective amazed me, and I told my brother about it. 

He told me not to bother convincing him that most times, people spoke from their reality. 

When people are doing something or are only used to something, it is hard to convince them that there is another reality. 

So, when a man is cheating, chances are he will think the same of his wife. 

Because he is doing it or can do it, he finds it difficult to believe she isn’t or can’t. 

So he will become suspicious and paranoid. 

He can’t trust himself after all, so trusting her will be difficult. 

That is why when a man constantly accuses his wife of cheating, especially when there is nothing to indicate that she is, he might be guilty of it himself. 

But if he has peace in the relationship, it is very likely because cheating is not even something he considers – it is not on his radar at all. 

His innocence will make him operate from a place of security.

5. He reassures you when you get insecure

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He'll Never Cheat

As much as we preach being secure, we all have moments of doubt. 

For instance, if you feel like he’s being distant, or maybe you’ve heard one too many cheating horror stories, you may need further reassurance. 

And a husband who won’t cheat will likely reassure you instead of getting defensive or annoyed. 

One thing cheaters have in common is that they are very defensive. 

You could be asking them the most innocent question and they will flare up. 

However, a faithful man will understand that loyalty isn’t just about being faithful, it’s also about making you feel safe. 

He will listen, remind you of his love, and won’t dismiss your feelings. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean he will never get defensive, especially if you are constantly insecure and nagging him about it. 

Even a saint will get frustrated with that. 

But if it’s the occasional doubt that creeps in because you feel he is being distant or something similar, he will take time to reinforce his commitment, not leave you questioning it.

6. He has integrity 

Integrity is what a person does when no one is watching. 

It’s easy to be faithful when everything is perfect, but a man of integrity stays committed even when no one would find out otherwise. 

This is because he values his word, morals, and vows. 

If a man constantly lets you down and doesn’t keep his word, he lacks integrity — it won’t be difficult for such a man to cheat on you. 

But if your husband consistently shows integrity in all areas of life — work, friendships, and decisions — then his loyalty to you isn’t just about avoiding guilt; it’s about honoring his principles.

And that principle will transcend to how faithful he is to you as well.

7. He is innocent 

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He'll Never Cheat

Don’t get me wrong; this doesn’t mean he is naïve.

What it means is that he genuinely doesn’t entertain thoughts of stepping outside the marriage because it is not a thing for him. 

He doesn’t flirt with the idea of cheating and he’s not sliding into anyone’s DMs. 

This type of man may not even know what it means to slide into DMs. 

He is not creating opportunities for things to go wrong because that’s not his thing in the first place. 

If you have a man like this, chances are he won’t cheat on you. 

8. He is comfortable in his skin

One thing that is common with cheaters is that they are usually insecure men who constantly seek external validation

But a man who is secure in who he is doesn’t need validation from random women. 

He doesn’t chase external approval or feel the need to prove his worth through conquests. 

Instead, he finds confidence in his achievements, his character, and the love you share. 

When a man is truly content with himself, he’s not out seeking attention or filling voids with unhealthy choices.

So, he is likely to stay faithful to you forever. 

9. He is happy

If Your Husband Does These 10 Things, He'll Never Cheat

A man who is happy in his marriage, happy with himself, and fulfilled in life doesn’t have a reason to cheat. 

This is because, like the previous point, cheaters are usually miserable men who are looking for a way to fill the emptiness they feel inside. 

When your partner is happy though; if he enjoys your company, values your connection, and doesn’t feel like he’s “missing out” on anything, he will never cheat on you. 

He is not searching for excitement, escape, or validation, so there’s nothing to look for elsewhere.

10. He knows how to set boundaries 

Some men do not set out to cheat, but they do because they don’t know how to set boundaries or say no. 

However, if your man knows how to draw the line with inappropriate behavior from other women, he is likely not to cheat on you. 

If he is not entertaining “harmless” flirting, keeping inappropriate friendships, or creating situations that could lead to mistakes, he respects his marriage. 

So, he is avoiding anything that could put it in jeopardy.

And for that reason, he won’t cheat on you. 


To conclude, let me say that there is ultimately no guarantee that your husband will never cheat on you because we are dealing with a human being who can change at any time. 

However, these are some traits that he is likely never going to.

If your man does these things, you can rest easy that the likelihood he will cheat on you is very slim. 


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