In the past, I often wondered why people changed so much after marriage. If they were just little changes, I’d understand, but for many of the people around me, especially the women, it was almost as though they had become someone new entirely. I soon figured it out though; it’s because of how deep marriage …
That feeling you get when you find out someone has been using you for quite some time… The anger, the hurt, the feeling of betrayal, and the blaming yourself for not seeing what was happening earlier are a whirlpool of emotions directed at the person and yourself. It’s even worse when you find out that someone …
When I was younger, I thought that it wasn’t right to be afraid of losing a woman. Apart from the fact that it seemed the opposite of what a man should do, it felt quite desperate. Now, I have a different opinion. I still think that some people have this extreme fear of losing their …
I always tell ladies that if a man loves you and is afraid of losing you, you’re gonna know. The signs don’t lie, Sis. They hardly ever do. Unless you just choose to lie to yourself. A man who sees you as an important part of his life will do everything he can to keep …
I know what you are likely thinking, “why can’t he just communicate what he needs?” Well, let’s take a minute to think about the number of times you have wanted something and not vocalized it. I’m willing to bet we’ve all done it, even the most communicative people out there. It’s not always because we …
Growing up, I couldn’t wait to get married. Marriage looked so beautiful in the storybooks and the movies. Don’t get me wrong, marriage is beautiful in reality too. It’s a journey full of love and sharing when it is successful. You would have a lot of moments to celebrate. At other times, you may face …
After nearly two decades of marriage, I’ve come to appreciate the beautiful, ever-changing experience that is life with my husband. It’s a journey marked by laughter, love, and yes, the occasional eye roll over who forgot to take out the trash. But some years ago, I decided to look deeper into our daily routine, and …