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Almost every woman wants to make their husbands happy. There are a few really weird women who seem to derive joy from their husbands’ unhappiness. That’s sincerely messed up, but we will consider these select “few” some other time. Now, regardless of our noble intentions, we usually can’t keep our partners happy all the time. …

Read More about 8 Phrases Men Use When They’re Unhappy In Marriage

Ideally, when you get into a relationship or marriage, you and your partner will stay committed to each other and live happily ever after.  Unfortunately, life does not work like in the movies, and in many relationships, infidelity is the norm.  So, it is not out of place that couples sometimes live in insecurity about …

Read More about When A Woman Suspects Infidelity She Notices These 8 Changes

Every time you see a happy couple, just know that it took a lot for them to get to where they are. And I’m talking about couples who are genuinely happy together, not pretending or forcing it. It may look effortless, but it isn’t; a lot of effort is required, one of which is having …

Read More about 10 Tough Conversations The Happiest Couples Always Have

One time, I noticed I had developed a very dangerous habit: it wasn’t the type that could get me in jail or worse, but it was still a dangerous habit. I had the habit of pretending that all was well, even when it was obvious that it wasn’t. I felt that admitting things were not …

Read More about 7 Signs You And Your Husband Are Both Pretending Everything Is Okay

When you think of an affair, you think short, quick, and not sustainable. I can relate. Affairs are usually just flings that lack foundation and a backbone. They don’t last. But is that always the case? The answer is a resounding no. You’d think the fact that one of the participants is married should be …

Read More about 9 Reasons Married Women Stay Loyal To Affair Partners

You might find it hard to believe, but some people are asexual. Yeah, it’s exactly what you’re thinking. Hmmm hmm. They don’t experience sexual attraction or desire, and for them, sex just isn’t a thing. That’s why a woman could be in a sexless marriage and be fine.  But not wanting sex isn’t exclusive to …

Read More about 8 Reasons Some Women Don’t Want Physical Intimacy at All