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Affairs often start subtly, with hardly any warning signs. Even when there are warning signs, they are usually not strong enough to ring that alarm bell within. And the few times that those signs are obvious enough to cause suspicion, most people usually believe they are overthinking and probably need to trust their partners even …

Read More about The 8 Warning Signs Of An Affair That Most Women Overlook

During my previous relationship, I had a short period of time when it felt like I was emotionally bonding with another lady instead of my girlfriend. While people may say it was just a passing phase for me, I knew it wasn’t. It took a huge toll on my relationship because I was so emotionally …

Read More about 9 Signs He’s Emotionally Bonding With Someone Else

There’s no perfect relationship/marriage. But there’s a difference between having a bad day and truly reaching the end of your rope. When a woman says she’s done, it’s not something she tosses out on a whim. It’s a statement loaded with meaning. Let’s see what that means.  When a Woman Says She’s Done With You: …

Read More about When a Woman Says She’s Done With You: 11 Things It Means

No one dreams of having a difficult marriage. Everyone wants happily ever afters. Since they don’t really exist, we are ready to settle for a successful marriage with little ups and downs. Think of it as a relatively smooth sea journey involving a little turbulence along the way. Ideally, marriage is a journey filled with …

Read More about 9 Signs You Are In A Difficult Marriage

As an adult, you already know that life is not a bed of roses. I’m not trying to be pessimistic, but you and I know that life is sometimes a mix of good and bad. Some people have it worse, though. (Grace unto them). However, one thing that makes it bearable is having someone to …

Read More about 6 Signs Your Husband Is Pretending Everything Is Fine

On your wedding day, I’m sure you pictured a future filled with love, laughter, and that soft glow you get when you’re with someone who just “gets” you. Your own man. Your best friend. Your ride or die.  Fast forward to a few years, and you feel more like you’re splitting rent with a friendly …

Read More about 6 Reasons Your Husband is Acting Like a Roommate and Not a Partner