“Let me tell you something, but you have to promise not to judge me.” Every woman has said this line at least once in her life, usually while clutching her phone or leaning over a cup of coffee with her best friend. There’s something magical about having that one person who knows the unfiltered, uncensored …
Infidelity has become a big deal in our world. It’s all over the news, making headlines: wives cheating on their husbands, husbands cheating on their wives, and couples cheating on each other at the same time. It’s everywhere. So, even while we want to ignore it and talk about the beautiful side of marriage, infidelity …
I like to think that I have a healthy sense of self-worth. In fact, people have mistaken my sense of self-worth for overconfidence. So, you can imagine my shock when I started feeling insecure at some point in my relationship. I couldn’t believe it. I tried to deny it, but at some point, I couldn’t. …
“Why didn’t anyone warn me about this?” If you’ve ever heard this from a married woman, chances are she just discovered one of the hidden truths about marriage. It’s not that people didn’t try to warn her; it’s just that some lessons can’t be fully understood until you’re wearing the ring and figuring it out …
I have a colleague whose wife walks around like she has unlocked the cheat code to marriage. She’s always so calm and radiant and has that ‘I’m good thanks’ energy. I have a lot of admiration for her. Have you met wives like that? You know, the ones who can laugh off a petty argument …
As a kid, I never could have imagined there was anything my father feared. The man always made it look like he had everything under control, even in the toughest situations. So, when he told me things like, “Strong men don’t cry,” I believed, and I never cried. Not even when I was beaten in …
When you go on social media, there is so much marriage bashing and tales of bad marriages. I am not saying anything is wrong with that; people have a right to talk about their experiences without being invalidated. However, there are also a lot of marriages where the couples cherish each other and their marriage. …