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As a kid, I never could have imagined there was anything my father feared. The man always made it look like he had everything under control, even in the toughest situations. So, when he told me things like, “Strong men don’t cry,” I believed, and I never cried. Not even when I was beaten in …

Read More about 7 Fears Men Have But Don’t Tell Their Wives

When you go on social media, there is so much marriage bashing and tales of bad marriages.  I am not saying anything is wrong with that; people have a right to talk about their experiences without being invalidated.  However, there are also a lot of marriages where the couples cherish each other and their marriage.  …

Read More about 9 Signs of a Husband Who Cherishes His Marriage

Picture this: You’re at the bus stop with your suitcase, ready for an exciting journey. Thankfully, the bus arrives, and you hop on with high hopes, but instead of heading to your dream destination, it keeps going in circles. The scenery doesn’t change, the driver doesn’t seem to know the way, and all you hear …

Read More about 9 Signs Your Relationship Is Not Going Anywhere

It is impossible to be married to someone without ever pissing them off. It’s normal for couples to be angry at each other in the most successful relationships. How they handle the situation distinguishes them from less successful relationships. Resentment is very much different from being angry in many ways. In fact, the best way …

Read More about 9 Signs Your Husband Is Harbouring Resentment Against You