Marriage is a beautiful union between two people who totally love each other. It is usually very possible to imagine “happily ever afters” at the beginning of a marriage. However, love on its own can’t make a marriage successful. Trust is another important factor in having a successful marriage. However, even with love and trust, …
A happy marriage is the most beautiful thing that can happen to anyone. But there is no way a home can be happy when one party hates the other. While it will be obvious that something is wrong, it’s not always clear that a woman hates her husband if he doesn’t know what to look out …
Marriage is a beautiful experience, but when you’re married to your soul mate, it’s even more beautiful—it’s a magical, almost unreal experience. And no, it’s not going to be perfect or be like a movie, nor will it be like Cinderella’s “Happily Ever After,” where life has no downs and only ups. But it’s going …
You’ve often heard that marriage is not a bed of roses and that there are usually ups and downs. Therefore, it’s possible for women to doubt whether their husbands are as invested in their marriage as they are. If you can relate, you have come to the right place because I will show you things …
The consensus of most men is that women are basically complex. I knew this from as far back as when I was a kid when my father would joke and say, “The whole world can’t contain a book that explains everything about women.” Growing up with this ideology led me to realize that women were …
“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” — Dalai Lama I’m a big advocate for people prioritizing their happiness. As long as what you’re doing isn’t affecting anyone negatively in any way, if it makes you happy, do you, boo. Life is too short to be unhappy. Unfortunately, many things can …
I’ve heard different schools of thought on whether love can change a person’s behavior. Some people believe that expecting someone to change just because they’re in love with you is faulty reasoning, and you should be able to accept them the way they are. While others say we all can improve and be better, it’s sometimes the …