In secondary school, I used to be really audacious. I would walk up to ladies who were already in Universities and strike up conversations with them. It wasn’t like I was wooing them, but the fact that I could walk up to them was so surprising to my friends. They all wanted to do it …
I wish I could say apologizing has never been difficult for me; unfortunately, I can’t. As a kid, I was allergic to saying the words “please,” “sorry,” and “thank you.” My parents laughed over it, thinking I would outgrow it. Well, I did outgrow it after I realized how it was such a terrible character to …
You’re having a nonromantic or maybe even a romantic but surface conversation with a guy, and he asks you for a kiss. A million thoughts rush through your mind at the same time. Why did he ask? What was he thinking? Is this a trick request? Has he fallen in love with you? Now, it’s …
“The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal.” – Astrid Alauda Not all wounds are visible. For some women, their deepest cuts are the ones that leave no physical trace. They seem perfectly fine on the outside and sometimes even have a beautiful smile to share with everyone they meet. But behind that …
A lot of mind games are usually advised when talking about making a guy chase you, and I get it. It’s like using psychology, which requires manipulation to get someone to do what you want. But do we want a relationship we got through manipulation? I hope not. Thankfully, you don’t need to play mind …
The popular myth is that men are very egotistical. While this may be true for some men, it is not a reality for all. I believe every human has an ego, although some are larger than others. However, being in a relationship with a man with a fragile ego can be challenging. It could make …
If there’s something extremely controversial about romantic relationships, it’s the concept of the independent woman. This is because, for many years, women have been seen to be “nice,” subservient, and submissive. So, the concept of an assertive, opinionated woman who doesn’t pander to men is seen as an anomaly. If you don’t believe me, think …