It’s shocking, I know. You can sometimes be tempted to feel like you know everything about your husband, especially if you have been married for years. There’s this tendency to feel like your husband is such an open book. However, for the most part, it is not always so. Even in marriage; the most intimate …
A woman is not an independent woman simply because she verbally says that that is what she is. No be by mouth (it takes more than self-proclamation). Being independent is a trait that is reflected in her lifestyle, choices, and behavior. In case you’re wondering if you’re an independent woman, I can help you figure …
“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.” – Socrates A good wife makes a man’s life a million times better. But being a good wife, just like being a good anything requires intentionality and learning. I used to think …
Marriage is an institution that comes with different seasons. No doubt, marriage is beautiful, but it takes a lot of work and intentionality to build. Some marriages start off with the honeymoon and enjoyment stage where everything is about butterflies in the belly and feelings. As they journey, they face challenges and try to adapt …
Words are powerful. Words can build up or tear down. Words can bring people closer together or drive them apart. In marriage, words hold a special weight and have the power to shape our relationship. Maintaining a strong marriage takes effort, communication, and a lot of love. While there’s more to communication than just words, …
I always tell ladies that when a guy is into you, you will know. If you’re still second-guessing and doubting a man’s proclaimed feelings for you, it’s most likely because he doesn’t like you or he’s not into you. When guys are really into a lady, even when they try to hide it, their actions betray …
“Intimacy is to love what concentration is to work: a simultaneous drawing together to attention and release of energy.” -Robert Grudin. Marriage: The most intimate relationship in this world. It doesn’t need only love to work, it needs intimacy to create a connection that goes far beyond the physical. Usually, when we talk about intimacy …