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Words are powerful and can create a lasting impact. One thing I am certain of is that the significance and relevance of words hit harder when they come from someone you love. It is true that being married means being open and honest with your partner, being their advisor, friend, and confidant. However, it is …

Read More about 7 Mean Things A Married Woman Should Never Say To Her Husband

Some time ago, I was watching a movie about a struggling couple. The struggling couple was trying to keep up with basic life needs, which somehow strained their relationship. I clearly remember my mum telling me that as much as we say money is not everything, it plays a crucial role in our lives. And …

Read More about 7 Smart Things To Do To Attract Rich Guys

Usually, cheaters will have you think they cheated by accident, like it just happened, and they never meant for it to happen. However, I believe that cheating is a decision that every cheater makes, either consciously or subconsciously. It’s sad, but it’s the truth. There is really nothing accidental about cheating. It’s not like slipping …

Read More about 8 Signs Your Husband Wants To Cheat

“I can turn you into poetry, but I can’t make you love me”–Anonymous The height of maturity is realizing that you can’t force someone to fall in love with you. In the same way, you can’t force yourself to love someone. What’s not there just isn’t there. It’s really that simple. On the other end …

Read More about 6 Selfish Reasons Men Pretend To Love A Woman