There is nothing more demeaning and disrespectful than being in a space where everyone is taken seriously except you. You get shushed or ignored when you try to contribute to the conversation, and your ideas are dismissed without a second thought. Sometimes, you’d prefer even to be invisible than to have the constant reminder of …
Someone who was born into and grew up in a loving family with parents who loved, cared for, and doted on each other may find it shocking to find out that not all marriages are like that. Some marriages make you want to sit the couples down and ask them why the heck they decided …
The world is full of so many fascinating people. I realized this early in life. As a kid, I had issues understanding love. Part of my indoctrination was the idea that love is a special feeling you only feel for a few people. So, I couldn’t explain my feelings towards several girls as a teenager. …
I will be the first to tell you that I had so many myths about women and physical intimacy. Not only did I believe some of these lies, but I also parroted them. The funny thing is that even when I started having some personal experiences, I still held on to these age-long beliefs. I …
There was a time in my life when I didn’t feel attractive at all. I questioned whether I had that presence, the kind that makes people take notice. I would constantly compare myself to others, and it seemed like no matter what I did or how much effort I put into my appearance, I just …
I grew up surrounded by women of different classes and ethnicities, and I can tell you that there is a difference between a pretty woman and a truly attractive woman. Most people make the mistake of associating beauty with physical appearance, but true attractiveness goes beyond being just pretty. My ex used to say a …
The first time someone asked me to eat with them, I joined heartily. I was a kid and I didn’t know that the invitation to eat with a person was just the polite thing to do when they are the only one eating. I also didn’t know that picking up a spoon and joining them …