In some climes, some people believe marriage gives a person security, and many view it as prestigious. While marriage is an honorable institution, it doesn’t fix personal and character flaws a person may have. In fact, I have noticed that marriage has a way of amplifying them. If you still have unhealed trauma and self-esteem …
How do you make your husband miss you like crazy? You probably stay in the same house already. You see each other every day after work and spend the entire weekend together… So, how do you make someone who is so familiar with you miss you? The problem with many marriages is not an absence …
We all know when we’ve had enough and give up on something or someone. For people who have a high level of tolerance, they don’t get to this point easily, but when they get there, it’s almost like a point of no return. People, especially wives, don’t easily give up on their spouses in marriage. …
My friend once told me about one time she and her husband were out at a family event, and a few hours into the event, her husband sent her a raunchy text message that destabilized her for minutes. Do you know those messages where a man goes into detail about how attracted he is to …
“I never understood why anyone would have sex on the floor until I was with you, and I realized: you don’t realize you’re on the floor.” –David Levithan. Personally, I wouldn’t like to have sex on the floor with anyone. Have you run out of more comfortable places to have sex? Ever heard of the …
Divorce is a difficult decision for any couple to make, but what if you’re pregnant? That’s a whole new level of complication. Many people wonder if it’s even possible to get divorced while pregnant. Understanding Your State’s Divorce Laws Regarding Pregnancy It’s essential to consult with a family law attorney who is well-versed in …
Your husband should value you even without you trying to make him. You shouldn’t be running breathlessly to get your husband to value and cherish you because it’s his duty. I just thought to put that out there. But does that mean there aren’t things you can do to make him value you more and …