Honesty and transparency are important in any healthy marriage – at least, they are vital if you want it to last. But let’s be real; even in the most open relationships, some topics are uncomfortable for everybody. I know I have been guilty of avoiding some conversations because they were difficult; it just seemed easier …
Because I have a large friendship circle, I’m privileged to have been on the deciding committee for many relationships, and I still am. Don’t laugh; I take my job very seriously. My girlfriends and I talk to each other about men and our feelings, and we help each other make the best decisions (I hope, …
No one lies better than a cheating husband trying to keep his affair under wraps. Not even undercover agents lie as much as a cheating husband who wants to “eat his cake and have it.” I have always thought of cheaters as cowards. They want something different but don’t have the courage to leave what …
They say when you get married, don’t keep anything away from your spouse. In a perfect world, that works. But in real life, married people keep stuff away from each other all the time. Not necessarily because they’re trying to hide something or be unloyal. Sometimes it could be unnecessary information, like how many times …
In all my life, I have had several friends. I have had close friendships with more females than males. However, I have some really close male friends, and contrary to the popular opinion that most guys don’t talk about deep stuff, I actually spoke about really deep things to my friends. Friendships are like treasures. …
I once read somewhere that sometimes, the behavior you get from your husband is a product of how you treat him. Treat him with contempt and bring out anger and defensiveness. Treat him with respect, and bring out the king in him. Every wife has the superpower to make her husband feel like a king, …
Can a man love two women at the same time? This is a very important question that many people have different answers for. I remember writing an article on it and if you want to read what I had to say, just click here. Ideally, marriage is supposed to be a simple and beautiful relationship: …