It’s not difficult to tell when a woman feels neglected in her marriage. Unlike many men who have been taught by toxic masculinity to hide their feelings, women tend to express the state of their minds better. But just in case you need guidance on recognizing the signs such women show, this blog post is …
“If we do not trust one another, we are already defeated.” — Alison Croggon. Imagine going into a battle knowing you are already defeated… I am sure you must have seen a different scene in movies like 300 in which 300 men take on such a vast army numbering in tens of thousands with such …
If there’s one thing I know about the five different love languages that exist, it is that every relationship needs a good measure of each of them to thrive. So, for your relationship to blossom and deeply flourish, there must be a good blend of words of affirmation, giving and receiving gifts, quality time, acts …
Your wife not making sexual advances at you is a matter of concern and is something that should be looked into. However, in certain societies and cultures, men are more sexually expressive than women, and that doesn’t make it right or normal. More so, if your wife used to make advances before but has recently …
“Nothing is so healing as the human touch” – Bobby Fischer This quote seems like a great way to start. Bobby Fischer was a chess grandmaster, but he definitely wasn’t talking about chess when he made this statement. Even a chess grandmaster can attest to the healing power of the human touch. In relationships, people …
As popular as marriage counseling may be, many couples are still hesitant to try it out. We were one of those couples. Suggesting marriage counseling felt like admitting a silent defeat like we were that couple, unable to fix our own problems. But trust me, this journey toward seeking professional guidance taught us more about …
I once had a fight with my partner that we allowed to linger unnecessarily long until it affected our communication. By the time we were both tired of acting childish and tried to fix our communication back, it was incredibly hard. The conversations felt forced, and things were just not the same. Not to mention …