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9 Things A Real Woman Does For Her Man

9 Things A Real Woman Does For Her Man

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A relationship is not just about the rush of emotions and passionate feelings between two people.

It is also about what they do for each other.

Over the years, we have all been so focused on what a man has to do for his woman.

Different women have different opinions on this, but they still usually revolve around the man providing for, protecting, and being a companion to her.

There’s so much on how to treat a woman right.

But what about the man?

Do men also want to feel pampered and loved by their women?

Do men want to be valued and respected?

Of course, they do.

There are things a woman can do for a man to make him feel appreciated.

In a generation where the focus is on what a man should do for his woman, only real women realize that it shouldn’t be one-sided.

Real women know that things have to be balanced to keep their relationships successful.

In this article, we will explore the things that real women do for their men to keep their relationships successful.

Come along!

9 Things A Real Woman Does For Her Man

1. She supports his dreams

things a real woman does for her man

We have placed much emphasis on men supporting their women’s dreams.

The emphasis is very understandable.

I have seen several women’s dreams die just because their husbands weren’t supportive.

However, men also desire the support of their women.

When a man has a dream, it is basically impossible for him to achieve it all by himself.

I laugh whenever I see people say they made it all by themselves.

If they were honest, they would mention at least one person who supported them through the journey.

When a man has a dream, he also needs a strong support system.

Even if the whole world is against him, he needs one special person in his corner, motivating him never to give up.

A real woman knows this and considers it her role to support her man.

She knows that it is her duty to support her man.

Of course, she still can decide if his dreams are good or bad.

So, you should know that this is not an attempt to ask you to support your man blindly.

In my community, there are young men who don’t work but still have lofty dreams of becoming wealthy.

These young men resort to fraud and armed robbery to achieve their dreams, and most times, they have girlfriends who support them.

Don’t be like these ladies who support evil because they want to support their man.

Real women know the distinction between good and evil.

If your man has wonderful dreams about the future for his career or just personal dreams, it is your duty to support him as a real woman.

Your faith in him boosts his confidence and increases his motivation.

2. She respects him

I understand that respect is never demanded.

Rather, it should be earned.

However, some ladies still withhold respect from their man even after he has earned it.

That’s wrong.

Men want to be loved and respected by their women.

Men do not require respect that comes with “My Lord” tags and involves kneeling and swearing allegiance.

Men just want to know that their women respect and value their opinions.

This also involves asking him for help when you have a challenge.

For you, it may just be an attempt to get whatever you are doing done.

The fact that you think he can be helpful is a sign of respect for him.

Real women know this, and so they respect their men.

You shouldn’t belittle your man even when he is not doing as much as you think he should.

A real woman knows the best way to make her man do more is to appreciate the little he already does.

3. She appreciates him

things a real woman does for her man

Gratitude is a powerful expression of love.

A real woman generally appreciates her man’s efforts, whether little or great.

She knows that appreciation is a way of fostering a positive environment for the relationship to grow.

Appreciation can, of course, be by heartfelt words.

However, a real woman knows that men like gifts the same way women like gifts.

The only difference is they just like different things.

A real woman knows to appreciate her man with gifts.

Thoughtful gifts that are intentional and show how much she appreciates him.

Last night, I came across a tweet by a lady who was complaining about not knowing what her man wants to be gifted.

Someone said, “You know what he wants. They are just too expensive,” and she laughed.

The fact is the lady knows what her man wants but perhaps can’t afford to buy it.

Well, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Get an affordable and thoughtful gift for him.

Men receive gifts so rarely that when you appreciate them with gifts, it makes them feel so special.

4. She actively listens to him

things a real woman does for her man

Listening is hard.

In fact, it is one of the most difficult things because we are supposed to do it without doing anything.

But most of us can’t truly listen to others.

To truly and actively listen to someone else is to exhibit a desire to truly understand them.

It is hearing beyond their words and understanding the way they think.

If you really want to know how to treat your man, you should start by actively listening to him.

By doing this, you would have already started treating him the way he wants to be treated, and you would have also learned more about what he wants.

Real women listen actively to what their men have to say.

They don’t just listen to reply.

They display a desire to understand their man as much as they can.

This is because relationships cannot be successful without partners understanding each other.

Men are also happy when they are in a relationship with someone who is like a safe space for them.

With real women, their men usually feel heard and seen without unnecessary criticism.

5. She pampers him occasionally

One time, I was discussing with a friend about what both men and women want in relationships.

She said women want love while men want respect.

She said women want to be pampered, but men don’t exactly care for that.

This was where I disagreed with her.

Men love to be pampered.

They are used to taking care of their woman and desire to be taken care of too.

So, a real woman knows how to pamper her man occasionally.

She gives him her full attention and cares for him.

She is tender with him.

You need to look beyond the macho facade most men put up and realize that deep within, many of them want to be pampered like a baby.

6. She takes him out on dates

things a real woman does for her man

Well, it’s not the duty of the man to initiate dates.

Real women also know how to initiate dates occasionally.

A real woman treats her man like a king by sometimes taking him on a dinner date at a fancy restaurant and bills on her.

This is a way of expressing how much you love him.

Initiate cinema dates and picnics, or simply stay at home with him and watch his favorite sports show together.

It may not be much, but it is a gesture of love that most men really appreciate.

Real women know how to express their love for their men in words and other ways.

7. She compliments him often

Most guys don’t know how to receive compliments.

This is because they usually don’t get compliments from people.

Well, if your man doesn’t get complimented by others, you should make it your duty to compliment him.

A real woman compliments her man frequently.

She compliments his appearance, shoes, cologne, haircut, and even his voice.

If you want to keep your man happy, you need to emulate this too.

Don’t just compliment him when he is all dressed up and looking dapper; compliment him when he is also casually dressed.

Compliment him when his hair is tousled.

Compliment him when he least expects it, and watch your relationship’s atmosphere lighten and improve over time.

8. She is loyal

things a real woman does for her man


This is another really important attribute to look out for.

Loyalty is gradually becoming extinct in this generation.

One time, a lady told me she didn’t think she owed her boyfriend since she wasn’t married or engaged to him yet.


That’s a really wrong attitude to have about relationships.

A real woman knows this.

She doesn’t take the commitment to be in a relationship lightly.

When she is in a relationship, she is determined to give her best.

One aspect of giving her best is being loyal to her man.

Building trust and loyalty is key in a relationship.

A real woman usually embraces full transparency with her man.

She hides nothing from him and lets him know what is going on in her life.

She knows that by displaying her loyalty, she is also securing his trust.

If you want to have a successful relationship, embrace transparency and loyalty.

9. She gives him space

things a real woman does for her man

Clinginess is a mistake real women try not to make in relationships.

If you are too clingy, you may end up driving the man away totally.

People generally want to have personal space to think about life and do other things.

It is important that partners learn how to give each other space.

Men sometimes want to have fun with friends.

A real woman knows how to allow him to enjoy this time without fussing or making it seem like he abandoned her.

If he loves to watch football and you don’t, then you need to give him the space to enjoy his football games.

Many women try to compete with their men’s hobbies.

Don’t try to compete.

It’s not a competition.

In fact, you are belittling yourself anytime you compare yourself to football or any other hobbies your man may have.

I am trying to say that regardless of how much a man loves you, he can’t spend all his spare time with you.

Don’t be the woman who disapproves of her man having personal time to do the things he loves.

Rather, do something fun or purposeful yourself.

Basically, everyone deserves to be treated well in relationships.

A real woman knows this, so she does all of these for her man.

Men are not complicated.

They just wanted to be loved and respected.

That’s all really!

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