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10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship

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Many women are so used to being independent that they forget that there’s actually nothing wrong with letting a man take the lead in a relationship.

You’ve probably been alone for an extended period and have gotten so used to doing things on your own, and now you literally have to be reminded that it is okay to let your man lead.

If you’re looking for tips on how to let a man lead the relationship, you’re in the right place.

Letting your man lead the relationship compliments his masculine side and helps you relax – not having to do everything by yourself.

You can start by letting your man feel needed but don’t become too needy.

One of the best feelings is knowing you have someone by your side to help assist you in any way they can, someone you can trust to take charge.

How To Let A Man Lead The Relationship

1. Know His Leadership Style

It is important to know that everyone has a different leadership pattern, and not everyone leads the same way.

Knowing and understanding the leadership style of your man is crucial, as you both may have different leadership styles.

Learn to let him lead in his way without constantly checking in for faults or loopholes.

2. Examine yourself

10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship

Do you always get upset when things don’t go your way?

We are often blind to our flaws but quick to see the flaws in others.

It is important to check yourself first.

Do you always want things to go your way and get upset when they don’t?

Or do you always want to be in control of every situation?

This might be why it is hard to let go of the reins when you are not calling the shots.

This is particularly the case with people will strong personalities, like choleric.

Examining yourself will help you practice self-awareness so you can actually allow him to lead.

One quality of a great leader is that they know how to follow.

You need to learn to trust in his leadership.

3. Create Space For Him To Lead

Give him space to lead you without doubting or being skeptical about his every move.

This doesn’t imply you follow his leadership mindlessly.

When you seem always to want things to be done a certain way all the time, you’re not really giving him the space to lead.

4. Let Him Make Mistakes

10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship


Mistakes are human and unavoidable.

Even the most outstanding leaders have made mistakes at different seasons of their lives, but they learned from it and used that as a stepping stone to the next level.

Do not be too hard on him when he makes mistakes.

Instead, let him know how much you love and support him.

Let him know you’re not after his perfection but his efforts and progress.

5. Understand Each Other’s Strengths

10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship

You both need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses to better understand each other.

One may be good at organizing things, the other at sorting them.

The best way to have a smooth and stress-free relationship is to understand each other’s strengths and build on them.

This way, you can easily let each other lead in areas of your strength.

Remember, you are meant to complement each other in the relationship.

6. Be Patient

Patience is key in any relationship, and you should know that you must be patient with one another for your relationship to thrive.

If you have discussed any growth area in your relationship with them, you need to wait for them to adapt and adjust patiently.

The growth process takes time.

A seed in the soil is already in the transformation process, but the result is only evident once it starts sprouting.

Give him time to sprout and metamorphose. 

Understanding that letting him lead does not mean he will become a perfect leader immediately is crucial.

7. Pray For Him

10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship

If you believe in God’s sovereignty and leadership, then praying for your man should not be strange to you.

Constantly pray for him to have the ability to make good decisions and lead with wisdom.

8. Involve Him In Decisions

10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship

When you make all the decisions yourself, especially those related to the relationship, you are not letting your man lead. 

Sometimes, it is easy to get used to taking everything into your hands, either because you do not think your man would be interested in certain decisions or simply forget to involve him. 

To let your man lead, you must learn to involve him in the decision making in your relationship and even let him make some decisions himself while you consent as long as you are comfortable with it. 

Letting your man make the decisions does not make you weak because you can make those decisions yourself but choose to let him lead. 

9. Seek His Opinion 

Involving your man in the decision making is not restricted to decisions relating to your relationships alone. 

To let your man lead, involve him in decisions that also affect your life. 

You may say that you are not mandated to seek his opinion on matters concerning your personal life and choices, but it does not hurt to do so. 

Seek your man’s opinion before you go for a new hairstyle, buy that dress, and make that career choice. 

You do not have to with everything he says all the time, but it shows that you value his opinions and trust his intelligence. 

And who knows? His opinions may end up being exactly what you need. 

10. Embrace His Ideas 

10 Ways To Let A Man Lead The Relationship


It makes no sense to keep asking for his opinions if you never use them. 

While it is understandable that you may not agree with everything he says, you must wisely pick out some of the gems from his opinions and apply them. 

You can still embrace the opinions you disagree with but tactically keep them aside. 

Final Words

A great way to let a man take the lead is by encouraging him to take the lead through your actions and not necessarily your words.

Although we have evolved and keep evolving as a society regarding gender equality, many women still crave the traditional relationship style where the man leads.

Letting a man take the lead does not mean allowing him to push you over.

It is simply allowing him to guide the relationship.

This translates to him being a visionary leader and not an autocratic leader.

Allowing him to guide the relationship could also mean that you should pay attention to him when he has something to say.

You do not necessarily need to heed or accept everything he says; what matters is that you listen and understand his point of view.

He is in no way trying to override you, except that becomes the case.

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