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These 10 Things Make A Woman Lust After A Man

These 10 Things Make A Woman Lust After A Man

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I came across a Reddit thread where women were asked what made them lust after men, and their answers were quite interesting. 

As a woman, the answers probably shouldn’t have been that shocking, but seeing that others mentioned things that resonated with me was cool. 

If you’ve always wondered what turns women on in men, you won’t wonder for long as this post answers your question. 

Let’s look at the things that make a woman lust after a man.

 These 10 Things Make A Woman Lust After A Man

1. Confidence


These 10 Things Make a Woman Lust After a Man

Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, the most common answer was confidence because women are not so focused on the physical. 

Thinking about it, I have to agree as well because I am inclined to believe confidence is attractive to both genders. 

There is just something about someone sure of themselves that calls to you. 

You know that feeling when someone walks into a room and owns it? 

It is almost magnetic because it makes you give them a second look. 

It really doesn’t matter whether they are conventionally good-looking or not; a sense of self-assurance is attractive. 

It is even more so in a man because most women don’t want a timid man who cowers in public; they want to know that their man got them, and confidence is a sign that he does. 

Now, understand that confidence is not arrogance or cockiness.

Confidence means being comfortable in your skin, while arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else.

When a guy is confident, it shows in the way he talks, moves, and even stands.

You can’t help but notice it, and it’s desirable. 

You feel like he can handle whatever comes his way, and that’s a huge turn-on. 

Confidence says, “I’ve got this,” and that kind of energy is hard to resist in a man.

2. Physical Appearance 

I know I mentioned earlier that women are not that focused on the physical, and that’s true. 

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t play any part at all; it does. 

It just means that, unlike men, women are not as physical. 

Having said that, you cannot turn a woman on when you look haggard, untidy, and worse still – at the risk of being harsh – smell awful. 

You may see this point and immediately think you are disqualified because you are not ripped and don’t look like a model; it’s not about that. 

It’s about taking care of yourself the same way you expect a woman to care for herself. 

Light workouts, not to let yourself go, dressing well, and basic grooming can transform a man and make a woman notice him.

When a guy takes the time to look good, it signals that he values himself. 

And when someone values themselves, it’s easier for you to value them too. 

There’s something about a well-put-together guy that catches a woman’s eye and holds it. 

3. Charisma And Charm 

These 10 Things Make a Woman Lust After a Man

I contemplated adding this point because this is quite tricky. 

Charisma is one of those abstract qualities you can’t quite define, but you know it when you see it. 

Also, it’s one of those things I believe you either have or don’t; I don’t know that you can learn to be charismatic. 

However, let’s not discount the possibility, and that’s why I included it in the list. 

By reading this, you might find a way to work on building the charm that attracts women.  

Charisma is in the way a guy makes a woman feel when she’s talking to him. 

It is in how he engages her, makes her laugh, and seems genuinely interested in what she says. 

A charming man leaves an unforgettable print in a woman’s mind because he leaves her feeling good about herself, making her want to always be around him.

The trickiest part is that it’s a fine art; if not well done, it can come across as being cocky. 

Women can spot a man with charm because it is effortless and one who is trying to be. 

And when they find one with that charisma, it gets them going.

4. Ambition 

No woman wants a lazy man; a guy with a plan is undeniably sexy. 

This is why sometimes a guy who is considered conventionally good-looking may repel women, while one who isn’t can attract women in droves. 

It may be ambition, that obvious drive for more in life in all areas, including career, dreams, and hobbies. 

It’s inspiring when a guy knows what he wants and goes after it. 

It shows he has a purpose and isn’t content to just drift through life. 

That contagious energy draws women in because they want someone who pushes them and, by default, pushes them to be better, too. 

5. Emotional Intelligence 

These 10 Things Make a Woman Lust After a Man

Emotional intelligence might not be the first thing that comes to mind when we are talking about lust. 

This is why I say I saw some interesting answers. 

You may be asking, what is it about emotional intelligence that could be a pant-dropping moment for women?

But trust me when I say it’s a game-changer when a guy can actually understand how you’re feeling and respond in a way that makes you feel seen and heard.

Women have seen many men who just listen to reply, so finding one who wants to understand is refreshing and ultimately a turn-on.

Also, if he has emotional intelligence, it means he’s in touch with his feelings, which leads to more meaningful connections. 

6. Sense Of Humor 

Who doesn’t love a good laugh? 

I know I do.

In fact, that’s one of the first things I look out for in a guy. 

If you can make me laugh, you are very close to getting my heart, and I know many women can relate.

This is because women want to have fun with their men, and a guy with a great sense of humor can turn any situation into a fun one. 

Don’t misunderstand a sense of humor to mean being a comedian and cracking jokes; it could include that, but it’s more about timing, wit, and knowing how to lighten the mood. 

Laughing together with someone creates a bond, and for women who can be in tune with their emotional side, it can make them lust after a man.

7. Mystery 

These 10 Things Make a Woman Lust After a Man

There’s something intriguing about a guy who doesn’t put all his cards on the table right away. 

Having a bit of mystery keeps things exciting. 

Many women have a savior complex, and while this is not necessarily a good thing, it is why they are often attracted to mystery. 

A mysterious man is like an onion to them, making them want to keep peeling to learn more. 

So, leaving a little to the imagination, making her curious, and wanting to peel back the layers is a great way to get to a woman. 

8. Generosity And Kindness 

It is such a sad thing that when some men hear women mention generosity, they immediately think she is materialistic. 

They couldn’t be more wrong because generosity goes beyond material things. 

Sure, it includes it, but a guy simply throwing money around might not be generous; it could be because he has more than enough or wants to show off. 

A generous person is all-round giving; they have a large heart and can give their time, affection, and attention. 

It also ties to kindness because it expresses how thoughtful or empathetic he is. 

I remember a guy I was crushing on once doing something thoughtful for me, and I went, “Aww.”

That singular act increased my feelings for him because it made him even more attractive. 

So, a man with kindness and generosity can turn a woman on faster than a selfish one. 

9. Intelligence 

These 10 Things Make a Woman Lust After a Man

There’s something incredibly sexy about a guy who can engage your mind. 

He doesn’t have to be a genius who got his Bachelor’s at fourteen or is in outer space.

He just has to be curious about the world, able to hold a deep conversation, and willing to teach her something new. 

Women are turned on by intelligence because it stimulates their minds.

Such a guy challenges her thinking and keeps her on her toes, making her want him more.

10. Physical Affection 

An affectionate guy can make a woman lust after him because even the slightest touch can be powerful. 

Sometimes, the smallest gesture, like a hand on your back or a gentle touch on your arm, can create sparks. 

A light touch can heighten the attraction if she already feels you emotionally. 

Firstly, it shows desire without saying a word, and that feeling of being wanted is powerful.

Secondly, it permits her to do the same if she already has feelings. 

The bottom line is that a man can make a woman lust more for him if he knows how to carry himself well and let her give him a second look. 

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