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6 Types Of Men Who Have Nothing To Offer In A Relationship

6 Types Of Men Who Have Nothing To Offer In A Relationship

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Most of the time, I see people talking about how difficult it is to find love in this generation, and I groan because we haven’t even started talking about finding love with the right person.

For many ladies, finding Mr Right can be tricky on several levels.

First, there is the sad fact that most people no longer truly understand the concept of love.

Then, there is also the constant barrage of opinions from others, which sometimes clouds your judgment.

Truly, a few females have found relationships with the right person.

But for each one of them in a successful relationship with the right man, there are several others in toxic relationships with men that are not meant for them.

The reason for this is not so farfetched.

Many ladies are in relationships when their better instincts tell them to run for their lives because they think they love the men.

If you are in a relationship with a guy who has toxic traits, and you are waiting for him to change because you want to transform him with your love.

This article is for YOU.

We will explore the types of men with nothing to offer in relationships and clearly describe those red flags you may have refused to see.

Come along!


6 Types Of Men Who Have Nothing To Offer In A Relationship

1. The emotionally unavailable man

types of men who have nothing to offer in a relationship

I know you are wondering what an emotionally unavailable man is looking for in a relationship.

Well, your guess is as good as mine, but we can be certain that whatever it is, it won’t benefit you.

This type of man is often distant with you.

Do you know that feeling you get when you are with someone but feel all alone?

That’s the feeling!

Relationships usually provide companionship and emotional connection, but with an emotionally unavailable man, it gives zilch.

Hence, you are in a relationship without enjoying the perks of being in one.

We haven’t even started talking about the fact that he doesn’t even respond to your emotional needs.

The man is not shy, my dear.

The saddest thing about emotionally unavailable men is that they give mixed signals.

Today, they may seem so in love with you, but tomorrow, they will be back to treating you the way they always do.

These mixed signals have a way of giving you so much hope that he’s changing before taking the hope away.

If you are with a man who avoids deep conversations and emotional connection, you may need to classify him as a man who has nothing to offer in a relationship.

He will probably waste your time, so flee.


2. The commitment phobe

types of men who have nothing to offer in a relationship

Ooh, don’t we all know this type of guy?

We see them all around us and are quick to identify them when it is our friends in a relationship with him.

But when you date a commitment phobe, you may not be readily able to recognize it because you are probably in love and want to believe the best about him.

Well, I will describe the characteristics of this type of man here.

Pay attention.

This type of man doesn’t want any form of commitment.

The idea of settling down is not one that he considers.

If you suggest settling down or showing some commitment in the relationship, he tactically evades it.

This type of man enjoys the thrill of chasing women and getting them to like him, but he panics as soon as things start looking serious.

He has no long-term plans for the relationship.

He just wants to enjoy himself and “take things one step at a time”.

That’s the mantra for a man who avoids commitment.

Instead of telling you they have no serious plans for you, most of them just string you along until they are tired of you.

Any man who can’t discuss future plans for the relationship with you is just out to waste your time.

This type of man really has nothing to offer in a relationship.


3. The narcissist

Self-awareness is great and healthy; however, being self-centered is not.

Self-centered people usually exhibit an unhealthy preoccupation with themselves that may be destructive in the long run.

Take Narcissus, for instance.

His preoccupation with his beauty led to his demise.

A narcissistic man is primarily focused on himself.

He doesn’t do anything without calculating his gain.

He craves admiration from everyone, even as he admires himself.

One way to notice a narcissist is his pronouns are usually “I” and “me.”

Never a “We”.

Another red flag about this type of man is that he lacks empathy.

You may be in trouble, but your man will be nonchalant about it because it doesn’t affect him.

He disregards your feelings and emotional needs because he is only concerned with his own satisfaction.

This type of man doesn’t have anything to offer in a relationship.

Relationships are not for selfish people.

To truly succeed in a relationship, you must demonstrate selflessness.


4. The perpetual Peter Pan

types of men who have nothing to offer in a relationship

Just like the Disney character, this type of man refuses to grow up.

He is almost similar to the commitment-phobe but the only difference is that this type of man is not just afraid of commitments, he also displays a strong dislike for anything that requires responsibility.

Deep within, he is still a child, and if he has the opportunity, he would prefer to spend his days playing video games and collecting baseball cards.

Most ladies find it hard to leave this type of man because they usually find his playful attitude refreshing in the beginning.

The fact that he has fun despite all the troubles and responsibilities of life could be an attraction point for many females.

However, this same attractive quality can turn out to be a burden later on.

Imagine having to always pick up after your man because he is so irresponsible.

Just imagine having to deal with a man who is out of his depths when matters get serious.

Really, a man with the Peter Pan syndrome has nothing to offer in relationships.

He needs to grow up.

Relationships are for mature people.


5. The chronic liar

types of men who have nothing to offer in a relationship

Sometimes, I hear some lies and truly doubt if the devil is the father of lies.

Perhaps some humans may actually attempt to take that title from him very soon.

My point is that some people can lie!


Some men can lie.

In fact, it is in their nature to lie.

People lie sometimes to avoid the consequences of their actions, but this type of man has gone beyond this level.

They lie just because they love lying.

Growing up, we had a neighbor who was a chronic liar.

If this man tells you “Good morning,” you need to check the clock to confirm.

Don’t be surprised if it’s evening already.

That was how much he lied.

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship.

If you are in a relationship with a man who is a chronic liar, and you know it, you may need to start reconsidering the relationship.

He really has nothing to offer you other than a lot of heartbreaks and betrayal.

A chronic liar is also a cheater in the making.

It will save you a lot of headaches if you take note of the red billboards he is showing you and run for your life.


6. The unmotivated dreamer

There is this guy who lives on my street.

He is in his mid-thirties and married with four children but also jobless.

He spends his days building castles in the air and dreaming of when he will be very rich.

When you ask him how he plans on doing it, he doesn’t know.

Such a man actually had nothing to offer in a relationship.

He lacks ambition and the drive to succeed.

Being in a relationship with such a man will be characterized by stagnancy and various other problems.

Plus, think about it: Do you really want your children to be raised by an unambitious, lazy man?

I guess not.

Recognizing these traits and red flags (in some cases, giant red billboards) can save you a lot of heartache and disappointment in relationships.

A healthy relationship requires mutual effort, respect, and support.

It’s essential to choose a partner who is willing to grow with you and contribute positively to your life.

Stop trying to change a man who is set in his negative ways.

Save your energy and time for more important things, Queen.

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