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11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a Cesarean Section Delivery

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My girl made quite an entrance into the world. A dramatic one at that.
I knew I was going to be a cesarean mom when I was 5 months gone.
I had had a threatened abortion and was rushed to the hospital where I was monitored for 3 days, and was told about the likelihood of having my baby through a Cesarean section delivery.
Hubby and I made our peace with it.
At exactly 37 weeks, I had another episode of bleeding. and hubby drove me to the hospital.
When we got there, my gynae said, “Let’s bring your baby out. She’s fully grown and just chilling in there.”
Hubby was ecstatic. He was tired of seeing me in perpetual discomfort.
So, I had my baby through a Cesarean section delivery, and the experience was quite……
Well, let me just share the things I wish I knew about C-section delivery before having one.

Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a C-section Delivery

I wish I knew that:
That the attitude of the health team was as important as their professionalism
My doctors were very nice, patient, and friendly.
You might think that they’re expected to be.
Yeah. But not every doctor has those qualities.
I had my obstetrics/gynaecologist, a senior consultant, a pediatrician, an anesthesiologist and a general medical practitioner.
They came and introduced themselves to me while I was being prepped for surgery. They explained the procedure to me like I was a two year old.
This alleviated my anxiety and put me at ease, and it went a long way to help me through the process.
That I wouldn’t feel pain but I would feel the pressure and the tugging
Of course, my anesthesiologist told me I wouldn’t feel pain. I would be numb. I wouldn’t feel a thing.
But I had no idea that I’d feel the pressure, the pulling, the tugging.
The moment the anesthesia kicked in, I felt nothing. But little did I know that so much force was needed to get a baby out from the womb.
I felt the pull greatly. The pressure was on another level. But absolutely no pain whatsoever.
That my hands would be tied down
I was placed on the table and my arms were spread and I noticed my arms were been belted, sort of, away from my body.
I hate any feeling of helplessness and restriction of any kind.
But I was told it was to keep me still, to prevent me from touching or snatching my baby during the surgery.
That things could change in a split second!
During surgery, I lost my breath!
I mean, all of a sudden, I couldn’t just breathe. I started gasping. The anesthesiologist calmed me, connected me to the oxygen, and all was well again.
I lost my breath twice but everything was under control.
It’s scary how things can change in a split second.
That C-section was faster than I thought
Everything was done within 40 minutes.
My baby was brought out, handed to the pediatrician while I was being stitched up.
It was really faster than I thought.
Forget the fact that I binge-watched a lot of birth videos in pregnancy.
That I’d experience a tsunami of cold
I started shivering uncontrollably and suddenly after the surgery.
I was wheeled back into my ward and settled in my bed.
The shivering continued. It was on and off. The chills were unexpected and uncontrollable.
I felt better afterwards.
That I’d have a splitting headache from the spinal anaesthesia
Then the headaches started. I’d been told not to raise my head from the bed. I didn’t even use pillows.
But my head wouldn’t stop pounding. I was relieved by the next day. Only for it to come back in full force when I tried sitting up and walking.
Wow! I wish I knew this.
I later understood that it was one of the side effects of spinal anaesthesia.
That I wouldn’t sleep
You know how they say new mothers are always so tired and they fall asleep immediately after birth?
My case was totally different. I was on IV and so many pain medications but absolutely no sleep.
I complained over and over and I was told the drugs would make me sleep. I didn’t close my eyes till the second night.
That anaesthesia would wear off and I’d feel great pain
The anaesthesia wore off by late noon, my surgery was in the morning. Then I started feeling some pain.
Totally normal and expected.
I tried changing sleep positions but it was not as easy as expected. And trust me when I say laughing, coughing and sneezing hurts badly. In fact, I tried not to.
I’d have to stand up and walk
One of the nurses came the following afternoon and told me I’d have to get up and walk.
Why so soon?
I laughed it off. I thought women who had C-section delivery in those days stayed in bed for about seven days. What happened?
But the nurse meant it when she said it was time to get out of bed.
I tried sitting up and the headache came back in full force.
I got up, took two steps then felt dizzy and staggered. My mum and the nurse got me back in bed and I had to try again. I couldn’t do it on my own the first few times but by the next morning, I was able to get up on my own.
Painfully slow but I was more coordinated.
That I wouldn’t be spared of my own share of postpartum dripping
I absolutely had no idea that I was going to bleed like I had a vaginal birth.
I thought that since my baby wouldn’t come out from my vagina, then there would be no reason have blood down there.
After the surgery, probably because I felt nothing, I didn’t know they already fixed a pad down there. Till the anesthesia wore off and I felt it. A nurse changed me periodically.
Luckily I was told to resume bathing two days after and I was able to clean myself up. I bathed but had to cover my incision to keep water away.
Did I enjoy the experience? I don’t know. I have mixed feelings about it. Probably because it wasn’t totally pain-free  All I know is that I love my baby.
Would I do it again? Of course, yes! For subsequent births. I’m proudly Cesarean section mom!
This is a guest post by a new mom, Olamide Rejuaro

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