In California, the concept of alimony has evolved over time through legislative changes and court interpretations. On September 5, 1969, Governor Ronald Reagan signed California’s new and revolutionary Family Law Act into law. Although it failed to establish the Family Court that the Commission intended, the Family Law Act did make the Commission’s no-fault divorce …
Mabel's Blog
Did you know that in California, when marriages end in less than ten years, the courts typically determine the duration of spousal support as roughly 50% of the marriage length? Alimony is the legal term where, during or after divorce proceedings, a person will provide financial support to their spouse, but how is alimony calculated …
Everyone wants to love and be loved, and that’s why we desire a partner with whom to share our lives. However, sometimes, we can become so dependent on our partner that it becomes unhealthy, and that is known as co-dependency. What is Co-Dependency? Co-dependency is like always having your phone on low battery and your …
As much as we don’t like to admit it, some of us women tend to be too weak when it comes to relationships. We often let our emotions cloud our judgment and end up in toxic relationships that drain us physically and emotionally. But how do you know if you’re being too weak in your …
Every woman wants a strong, confident, and supportive partner in a relationship. However, unfortunately, because life isn’t a bed of roses, you might end up with a guy who is the opposite of what you desire: a weak man. So, how do you know if your man is weak? What are the signs that you …
Eyes are the windows to the soul, they say. Eye contact is very important, especially in relationships between men and women. It’s often seen as a way to connect and show interest, but what about when a man avoids eye contact with a woman? As much as we think of men as complicated creatures, sometimes …
If you want a serious relationship, then you surely want a guy who sees you for more than just your body. You want a guy who will be your best friend, your partner in crime, and your confidante. But you’ve not been getting that, I guess? You’ve only been meeting guys who act like your …