I will be the first to tell you that I had so many myths about women and physical intimacy. Not only did I believe some of these lies, but I also parroted them. The funny thing is that even when I started having some personal experiences, I still held on to these age-long beliefs. I …
Love & Relationships
During my younger years, there was nothing I wanted more than being an independent woman. I saw vivid examples of independent women and dependent women, and I knew I never wanted to be the latter. I loved and craved the freedom and confidence that being an independent woman gave off. To me, it was incomparable. …
Picture this… You just had a sweet, intense, and mind-blowing love-making session with your husband, and if you’re like me who likes to clean up immediately after, you go into the bathroom to pee or wash yourself. You don’t take long; in a minute or two, you’re back. Then you get into bed, excited to …
I’ve heard older women say, ”A woman’s mind is a pit of secrets!” Well, for the purpose of this post, the secrets I’ll be writing about here are not huge, marriage-breaking betrayals or deep, dark double lives like a woman giving another man’s child to her husband and pretending it’s his. Those women are cruel, …
No one walks into marriage thinking, “I can’t wait to get divorced someday.” Absolutely no one. Divorce sometimes is like a storm you never saw coming. Even though divorce is tough and painful, some women are happier after their divorce than they were in the marriage. While society might paint divorced women as sad or …
I remember overhearing a couple of girls discussing affairs and how it is impossible for most guys to stay loyal to one lady. They ended their conversation with a rationalization that still gets my blood boiling now, “If it’s just sex, I will accept it so far I am the main partner.” It made me …
Love! Love is that one feeling that makes you feel so alive. It enhances and amplifies all emotions. Joy, pleasure, and even anger are all amplified by love. After experiencing it, it is really hard to adjust to not being with the person you love. Sadly, we must make allowance for this sort of event …