A while back, I was working on a project with a male friend when he suddenly screamed out in joy. “What’s wrong?” I asked in shock. “I just thought of my wife,” he replied. “And it made me so happy.” While not everyone is as expressive as my friend, it’s normal to feel this way …
Love & Relationships
Let’s face it—there’s something magnetic about certain women. They walk into a room, and heads turn. They speak, and people listen. They laugh, and the world feels a little brighter. It’s not just about looks (though confidence and charm certainly don’t hurt). It’s about an energy, a vibe, an undeniable something that makes them unforgettable. …
Some people believe in the honeymoon stage, while some don’t. The first school of thought believes there is a time when everything seems sweet in a relationship before reality sets in. The other believes the honeymoon stage can last forever if you want it to. However, I say it doesn’t matter whether you belong to …
Being manipulated is not a great experience. I can tell you this from experience. My experience wasn’t in a romantic relationship. It was a friend who kept on using me for his own ends. It took a long while before I could recognize the signs, and in that period, he had already wreaked a lot …
Ladies, let us talk. The truth is that not all of us have always been “that girl,” and by that girl, I mean the one that all the men are falling over themselves for. But every one of us most likely knows one or two girls like that. We’ve met them and seen them in …
We are all creatures of habit. We have those characters and traits that determine our response to different situations in life. These habits affect everything we do. They affect our relationships and interactions with others. Our love lives are not excluded from the list of relationships that can be affected or influenced by our habits. …
As a girl, one of the greatest weapons you can have in your arsenal is the ability to detect time wasters. You do yourself a world of good when you can tell that a guy is just here to waste your time and when you can figure it out on time, too. No matter how …