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12 Intimate Gestures Husbands Secretly Love

12 Intimate Gestures Husbands Secretly Love

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Whenever intimate or romantic gestures are mentioned, a particular picture comes to mind. 

Most people have the mentality that men should be giving intimate gestures while women should be at the receiving end. 

That’s a wrong line of thought.

Everyone, including men and women, is deserving of and should receive intimate gestures from their loved ones. 

Let’s bring it home to the topic of discussion. 

Like I mentioned earlier, husbands are as deserving as their wives of intimate gestures. 

There are a million and one intimate gestures that have been in use for a long time that you can show your husband to make him feel special and put a smile on his face. 

However, there are certain gestures that seem customized to the recipients. 

These ones appear more unique than the others, and will have your husband blushing and smiling from ear to ear whenever he remembers that you did them for him. 

Not only will he appreciate the thoughtfulness behind such gestures, he’ll also be left with no doubt about your love for him. 

However, trust men to be experts at hiding their emotions from you. 

He might appear unaffected by such gestures when you do them. 

All you might get from him are smiles and ‘thank yous’ at the point of delivery. 

But deep down, he’ll love them and wish that you do them regularly for him.

Now that he’s not being open with his preference for those specific intimate gestures, how will you know them and do them for him?

Come with me as I talk about intimate gestures husbands secretly love. 

It promises to be an interesting read. 

12 Intimate Gestures Husbands Secretly Love 

1. Serve him breakfast in bed

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Being served breakfast in bed might seem too common, but believe me when I say that it’s one of the intimate gestures husbands secretly love. 

No one has ever said no to being pampered to a good breakfast serving first thing in the morning and while still in bed. 

Women have enjoyed this gesture a little too much. 

It’s time for you to reciprocate it and let your man feel as special as you’ve been feeling all along. 

Treating him to breakfast in bed is a great way to start his day with love and affection. 

2. Pay him compliments

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Compliments are not meant to be given or received by any gender in particular. 

Everyone deserves to be complimented regularly, especially by their loved ones. 

Being complimented regularly is one of the intimate gestures husbands secretly love. 

They love it when their wives praise them and talk about certain qualities that they possess. 

It makes them feel seen and loved. 

When you pay your husband sincere compliments, you’re focusing on the positive things he does, and it helps boost his self-confidence.  

3. Spend the day doing the things he loves with him

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

A man loves it when his wife spends the entire day with him doing the things he loves. 

Let’s say he has some days off work, or it’s a weekend. 

The wife can clear out an entire day’s schedule and personalize that day for her husband. 

This she can achieve by penciling in some of the things he loves doing into the day’s schedule. 

For instance, he loves swimming, visiting the zoo, going bowling, playing golf, and reading books. 

She can choose for them to spend the entire day in a recreational facility that houses swimming pools, bowling areas, a zoo, etc. 

They can start off the day by stopping by a good bookshop or library to either get him some books or let him read one. 

What will make it extra special for him is that she doesn’t really join him in these activities. 

So, her actually planning the day and making sure that he sees it through will make him feel loved and cherished. 

4. Send him romantic messages randomly

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Men love and appreciate it when they get romantic messages from the women they love. 

It doesn’t have to be a special occasion. 

Just pick up your phone, compose a romantic message, and hit the send button to your husband. 

Let it be a random reminder of your love, dedication, commitment, and affection for him. 

Trust me, he’ll love love getting such random messages from you. 

5. Random massages to help him relax 

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

One of the intimate gestures husbands secretly love is getting random massages from their wives

For instance, he’s seated in his workstation at home, feeling too tired to do any more work. 

Massaging his scalp gently and slowly will definitely help him relax. 

Other types of massage that will help him unwind and relieve stress include foot rubs, shoulders, and back massages. 

Don’t forget to use some essential oils for maximum effect. 

6. Write out reasons why you love him 

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

I’ve never seen a man who doesn’t love it when his wife crafts letters that contain why she loves him. 

It can be a handwritten list of forty reasons why she loves him. 

She can frame and present it to him on his fortieth birthday. 

She can also print out her different reasons on cute little pieces of paper and leave them for him where he’ll see them – one reason for each day. 

Alternatively, she can choose to send them as individual text messages to his phone every day. 

Not only will they remind him of how much she loves him, but he’ll love the gesture so much that he’ll find himself looking forward to the next reason. 

But he might not let her know how much it affects him because, hard man. 

7. Buy him nice fashion pieces 

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Put a smile on the face of your man by buying him beautiful things that he’ll look good in. 

I’m talking about nice fashion pieces such as shirts, footwear, belts, sunglasses, shorts, pants, wristwatches, and so on. 

He’s your husband and you know his taste and style. 

Get him something that’ll accentuate his best features and boost his confidence

It has to be something that’ll make him feel attractive. 

Doing this will let him know that apart from loving him, you’re invested in his general well-being and appearance. 

8. Hide love notes around the house and let him find them

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Another way to reach your man, even though he may not show it, is to hide love notes around the house and let him find them. 

It mustn’t be the “step-by-step ‘find me'” note. 

You can place a sticky love note on the refrigerator door, on the door of his wardrobe, inside his laptop, or on the bedside drawer on his side of the bed. 

It’ll leave him grinning from ear to ear for the rest of the day. 

9. Plan a romantic date night

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Another intimate gesture a wife can pull off for her husband is planning a romantic date night. 

It doesn’t have to be the husband making plans for these kinds of outings all the time.

The wife can do it for a change while her man sits back and enjoys himself. 

He’ll love it, in all honesty, but will likely not show that he’s moved. 

She can set up the date night at home, transforming a space into a romantic scenery complete with scented candles and soft music playing in the background. 

Alternatively, she can take it outside by hosting them at a restaurant or the movies. 

10. Help him recharge after a tiring day 

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

I’m assuming that you and your husband keep in touch via phone calls or texts throughout the day, as normal couples do. 

So, you’ll know whenever he has a hectic day, and all he wants to do is rest when he comes back home. 

You can help him by setting up a cozy and comfortable corner of the house. 

Dim the lights, add pillows and blankets, prepare a mug of soothing tea, and if he likes, play soothing music to help him rest better. 

Sometimes, you don’t need to do too much. 

Just help him get the rest and recharge he needs, and he’ll thoroughly appreciate it. 

11. Prepare his favorite snacks and drinks to watch his favorite game

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

If you ask most married men what’s better than hanging out to watch their favorite games, they’ll tell you that it’s having a conducive environment to watch it at home. 

Surprise your husband on one of the days he watches his favorite game by preparing his favorite snacks and drinks or making them available for him in the house. 

In addition, create a comfortable spot for him to watch the game right there in the house. 

If you want to blow his mind, join him to watch. 

Trust me, he’ll be over the moon with joy and appreciation. 

12. Surprise him with a staycation 

Intimate gestures husbands secretly love

Whether you’re on a strict budget or looking for something different for a change, you don’t need to always pack your bags and go elsewhere to relax and get some rest. 

You can surprise your husband by turning your home into a romantic space for a staycation. 

Roll out the feathery blankets, light the scented candles, and let romantic music serenade the atmosphere. 

You can choose to cook or order some nice meals to go with the mood.

The cool and romantic ambiance will make you and your partner feel like you’re on vacation, even though you didn’t pack a pin. 

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