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While I have always held the standpoint that there are no excuses for infidelity, there are certain situations in relationships that could make a person cheat on their partner. One of them is a lack of physical intimacy. Physical intimacy is a really important aspect of marriage, and when it is ignored, it could cause …

Read More about Can Lack Of Physical Intimacy Lead To Infidelity?– 6 Signs Your Partner Is Tempted To Cheat

People say many things about marriage, some of which are true, while others are projections from their personal experiences and are not necessarily true. One of those I consider true is when people say that when you’ve been married for some time, your interest and excitement about physical qualities and sexual activities might go down. …

Read More about 8 Signs Your Husband Is Still Physically Obsessed With You

Physical intimacy is just as important in marriage as communication. This is the simple truth. This is why, when there is a lack of physical intimacy in marriage, most couples struggle. They struggle to maintain the bond and connection they may have developed over time through physical intimacy. However, trying to do this without physical …

Read More about 6 Things Lack Of Physical Intimacy Does To A Marriage

I remember having this conversation with a male friend a long time ago.  I explained many reasons why a woman might not feel comfortable initiating physical intimacy.  On the other hand, he felt all the reasons were null and void if she were married. I remember him saying, “Why should a woman feel ashamed to …

Read More about Why Women Often Initiate Physical Intimacy Less

I can imagine some people saying an emphatic no to this, while others may be willing to consider the possibility.  Before researching and speaking to more people, I would have been with the former group.  Why should one be in a marriage without physical intimacy? Yeah, it didn’t make sense to me.  However, thinking about …

Read More about Can You Have A Happy Marriage Without Physical Intimacy?

As a true romantic at heart, it hurts me to think that people can be married to partners who dislike them. I know I always talk about how marriage is a beautiful affair, but the truth is marriage, even when couples love each other, still requires a lot of work. When you put in the …

Read More about 7 Signs You’re Married To A Man Who Dislikes You