So, you just had an intimate session with your spouse. It was great. Or not. However it was, the end of a thing is as important as the beginning and the process. Below are 5 things you’re probably doing wrong after being intimate with your spouse: 1. Not complimenting your spouse if you had a …
If you have not heard the name of Jeff Bezos, you are probably living under a rock. Am I being too harsh? Maybe! But seriously, you should know the richest man in the world, even though you might not know anything else about him. Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of Amazon, which he …
If cheating is a deal-breaker for you or you’re not in an open relationship/marriage, then cheating hurts. It ruins a relationship/marriage, sometimes, beyond repair. Many people are confused as to what to do and not to do after being cheated on. Well, I understand that people are different and we handle things differently, but, if …
Women love attention. Give your woman enough attention. Shower your woman with attention. Inundate her with attention so she doesn’t see any other man. These and many more are the popular relationship tips/myths you probably have heard from relationship gurus or anyone who seem knowledgeable about love matters. Have you been showering your woman with …
No relationship leaves you the same. A relationship will either make you happier or sadder, make or mar you, add to you or take away from you. So, just as a good relationship can add a lot of positive things to your life, a bad relationship will cost you some positive things. What will an …
Humans are designed to be flawed in one way or another. Nobody is perfect, and you shouldn’t be on the lookout for perfection in a man. But just because humans are not perfect does not mean you should put up with anything in a relationship. No perfect relationship exists, but as a woman who desires …
There is something worse than desiring to be loved and not being loved, it is being with someone who is simply pretending to be in love with you. While men do fall for women who don’t love them, we are likely to find more women in this bind because men rarely settle. Women, on the …