“I don’t think we really talked about what our life would look like afterward. I had these expectations, and she had other expectations, and in the end, we just stopped… working toward the same goal, the same sort of life.” —Uzma Jalaluddin, Much Ado About Nada This quote accurately describes the state of many marriages. …
Disclaimer: The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp. As a parent, it’s only natural to want to protect your child and keep them from harm. You know you’d do anything to safeguard their well-being, but what happens when their mental health is the cause of their distress or their problems seem too large for …
We all know that infidelity is a touchy subject and can cause hurt and pain in relationships, and we’ve written a lot about it. But the reality is, it still happens. And where do people go when they want to keep their affairs a secret? Let’s see: Where Do People Take Their Secret Lovers? 12 …
Disclaimer: This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. For many people struggling with their physical or mental health, there comes a time when they feel tired and worn out from simply trying to make it through the day. Maybe their doctor’s orders haven’t been very helpful, or their medications don’t seem to be …
Every day, countless stories, photos, and personal anecdotes flood our social media feeds, leaving little to the imagination and even less to curiosity. We live in a world where everything seems just a click away, so mystery has become as rare as a unicorn sighting. Well, welcome to today’s digital age, where the fine line …
When you saw the question, “What does it mean when you can’t stand your husband?” What came to your mind? I’m sure many different things will strike your mind within the blink of an eye. This was the same question I got asked by a newly married friend. She was barely married for two months …
”I hate you!” The words you never thought you would hear from your husband. Your husband should be the man who loves you unconditionally and who stands by your side through thick and thin. Even a hater will rarely be ever as violently vocal about it. Now, your own man, the one you share body …