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8 Signs Your Husband Wishes He Married Someone Else

8 Signs Your Husband Wishes He Married Someone Else

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Ideally, marriages are supposed to be permanent. 

But we both know that’s far from reality.

If, for nothing at all, the increasing divorce rate is a major indicator. 

However, there is another category of people who won’t divorce their spouse even when they regret marrying them. 

There are so many reasons that this may happen, but that’s not the focus of this post. 

What’s important is that if your husband regrets marrying you or wishes to marry someone else, you deserve to know. 

Nobody should be kept in the dark when they are with someone who wishes they were married to someone else. 

And that’s why this post was written – I will show you the signs your husband wishes he had married someone else. 

Without further ado, let’s get to it. 

8 Signs Your Husband Wishes He Married Someone Else

1. He Compares You To Other Women

Signs Your Husband Wishes He Married Someone Else

It is not out of place for your husband to admire another woman. 

Yes, I know you want him to admire you alone, but that only happens in the fantasy world. 

In reality, he may have a woman or two he admires for many reasons and could even find physically attractive. 

In a healthy marriage, though, that’s not an issue, and the man may remain committed despite the attraction. 

However, the problem begins when he is constantly comparing you to them. 

In some other cases, he may not have particular women to put you up against, but a man who wants to be married to someone else will still find a way to compare you to abstract women. 

He may hear about a woman and tell you to be like that. 

Or he may generally speak about how other women do so and so that you are supposedly not measuring up to their standard. 

And yes, he may compare you to actual people he or you both know, such as coworkers, neighbors, relatives, friends, celebrities, and even worse, an ex. 

If your man is happy to be with you, he will appreciate you for who you are. 

But if he keeps pointing out how someone else dresses, cooks, works, and behaves better than you, clearly he is not proud of who you are. 

He will make you feel like you are not good enough because that’s exactly how he feels. 

2. He Doesn’t Spend Time With You

When a man values his marriage, he makes time for his wife no matter how busy life gets. 

It won’t even necessarily be a conscious decision. 

By default, he will enjoy spending time with his wife as there is just so much to do together, which is what spending life together means. 

So, if your husband actively avoids spending time with you, always makes excuses, and would rather spend time with others, it’s a major sign that something is wrong. 

I am not saying he would be joined to the hip with you and not have a life outside of you. 

But he would and should spend the majority of his time – maybe outside work – with you. 

So if he cannot spare any time to be around you and would rather be out with friends, buried in his phone, or constantly working late, he likely regrets being with you. 

If quality time together feels like an obligation to him instead of something he enjoys, he may have emotionally checked out and possibly wished he were with someone else.

3. He Speaks About Your Marriage Negatively

There is likely no clearer sign than this because people who love their spouse and are happy to be with them don’t speak about their marriage with guile. 

Therefore, if your husband rarely has anything positive to say about your marriage, it’s a sign of deep dissatisfaction.

This shows in his constant complaints about the relationship, sarcastic remarks, and even jokes about how he “should’ve stayed single.” 

Words have power, and if he’s always negative about your union, it could mean he regrets it. 

You may have issues that hurt him, and for that, he may express his hurt.

However, his default reaction to your marriage won’t be constant negativity. 

Even if there are issues, he will acknowledge them but also work towards a solution. 

If he only focuses on the bad, it might be because he believes he’d be happier elsewhere.

4. He Constantly Reminisces About His Past

Signs Your Husband Wishes He Married Someone Else


Now, this does not mean couples do not talk about the past or even tell each other about past relationships. 

So, that’s not what I am talking about. 

What I am referring to is more of a nostalgic feeling about the past. 

Does he frequently talk about his life before marriage, especially with nostalgia? 

Is he always bringing up how great things were when he was single or how much he enjoyed being with an ex?

If yes, it’s a cause for concern. 

Like I said earlier, everyone has fond memories of the past that they may talk about occasionally, but if your husband seems stuck in the past, he may be mentally escaping from the present.

When someone is happy in their marriage, they look forward to building new memories together, not obsessing over what once was.

If that’s the situation in your marriage, chances are your partner doesn’t want to be with you. 

5. He Is Emotionally Distant

Another sign your husband wishes he had married someone else is that he will withdraw emotionally. 

Like I always say, couples are, by default, each other’s best friend and they talk a lot. 

Or at least that should be the ideal.

So, it is surprising when that’s not the case in your marriage. 

It is not normal when your husband no longer shares his thoughts, feelings, or struggles with you. 

If your conversations seem stiff, superficial, or forced, something is wrong. 

At least one of you has disconnected. 

So, if he seems uninterested or cold, and doesn’t care to speak to you, chances are he is emotionally closed off. 

While many things can rock a marriage’s emotional foundation, one of them is one party regretting marrying the other. 

For that reason, they may no longer see you as their person since you are not the one they want. 

6. He Doesn’t Show Interest Or Enthusiasm About The Marriage

Signs Your Husband Wishes He Married Someone Else

Marriage requires effort from both parties to blossom because it takes two to tango. 

But if your husband has stopped trying – stopped planning date nights, showing affection, or even discussing the future – it’s a major warning sign that something is wrong. 

For instance, if he used to be romantic, but now he does it because he has to and not because he wants to, it may be because he is indifferent about you and the marriage. 

Romance shouldn’t be a routine or feel forced in a relationship; there should be some spice in a marriage that reflects the feelings you have for each other. 

If that’s not the case, your man might have already given up on the marriage and wishes he were with someone else. 

7. He Is Cheating 

His cheating may not come as a surprise, but if he cheats blatantly and flaunts his mistress, then that’s like salt on the injury.

The someone else he prefers to be married to is not a mystery in this case.

He tells you how much happier he is with her and even shows you how she is one thousand yard material.


That must have hurt badly, but that’s a red banner there.

He may remain in the marriage unreluctantly because of the children or his personal reasons but his body language will reveal the true state of his heart.

I recall a time when my dad was dissatisfied with his marriage to my mum and became such a complainer.

The backstory was that he was cheating, and because his mistress made him feel excited, he felt marriage to my mum was boring and complained frequently while pining for his mistress.

8. He Is Never Willing To Compromise

Like I said earlier, it takes two to tango. 

But even besides me saying it, I am sure you have heard it before. 

A marriage without compromise is one that is heading for the rocks. 

Marriage is supposed to be give and take. 

When one person is always giving and not taking, they will soon grow resentful and eventually explode. 

So, people in healthy relationships know that compromise is vital. 

But if they don’t care what happens to the marriage, they have no motivation to meet you halfway. 

So, a good sign of a husband who wishes he were married to someone else is that he refuses to compromise. 

Like I said, he doesn’t care if the marriage ends. 

So, he will always insist on having things his way. 

He will dismiss your needs and refuse to make sacrifices for the relationship.

He doesn’t want to be in the relationship, so why should he? 

Unlike a man who values his wife and considers her feelings, he’s unwilling to compromise because he no longer sees the marriage as a partnership worth fighting for.


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