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When A Woman Is Loved Correctly: These 9 Things Happen

When A Woman Is Loved Correctly: These 9 Things Happen

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Love, indeed, can be an emotion. 

But it is much more than that. 

More accurately, it’s an action word, something we do due to what we feel. 

And what we do produces its own result. 

Therefore, when a woman is loved correctly, certain things happen as a consequence. 

If you often wonder what changes when a woman is loved correctly, you don’t have to wonder for long. 

In this post, I will show you the different things that happen when a woman is loved correctly. 

9 Things That Happen When A Woman Is Loved Correctly 

1. She Loves Hard

When a Woman Is Loved Correctly: These Things Happen

A woman who is loved gives back the same energy. 

Sometimes, people see certain women on social media talking glowingly about their men and wonder why they are exaggerating. 

Also, people might think a woman is faking it when they see all she does to make her man happy. 

The secret behind it is that the man has sowed love properly and is now reaping the fruit of his labor.

If a woman is loved correctly, she will want to offer that same love in at least equal measure – if not more. 

It’s almost like she feels permitted to show love because she is loved.

So, she loves truly and deeply. 

She literally becomes a finished woman’.

2. She Glows 

We don’t just live from the outside out as humans but from the inside out. 

That means that the disposition you see on the outside is often based on what’s happening on the inside. 

When a woman is stressed, it shows in her skin and demeanor; you will just know something is wrong somewhere. 

In the same way, when she is happy and always secreting oxytocin since she’s being loved the way she ought to be, it will be apparent to all and sundry.

Even when she is not living the life of the rich, she will have rich skin because of how happy she is. 

There will be a halo around her that is visible to all. 

My cousin’s rich best friend once told her she admired her happiness. 

This is someone whose father is a millionaire while my cousin was in the middle class. 

Logically, she should be happier because she enjoyed the finest things of life, but she wasn’t. 

She had marital problems, while my cousin had a loving husband

And that contrast was visible to her in how my cousin didn’t have much but glowed with happiness. 

3. She Smiles Often 

When a Woman Is Loved Correctly: These Things Happen

As I already established, a well-loved woman often secretes oxytocin – a happiness hormone – so she will automatically be full of smiles. 

Even when she is not naturally cheerful, she becomes one because she cannot help herself. 

Often, she might even catch herself smiling and want to stop, but she’d slip up unconsciously because of how satisfied she feels inside. 

When I met my man, I wanted to keep it to myself for a few months because of past failed relationships. 

I didn’t want to announce it and then have to explain if we broke up. 

So, I decided to give it time until we were established. 

Well, I didn’t last two months before being found out because I smiled too much. 

My man spoils me and treats me like a queen, and in contrast to what I had experienced before, I couldn’t keep my smiles to myself. 

Before long, my family suspected someone was in my life because I couldn’t keep the smile off of my face.

Such is the effect of being with someone who truly makes you happy. 

It’s almost impossible to hide it, no matter how hard you try. 

And that’s the beauty of a healthy and fulfilling relationship – it brings out the best in you and makes it difficult to contain your joy.

You find yourself constantly smiling, laughing, and feeling content with life. 

Those little moments become cherished memories that you hold on to even when times get tough.

4. She Radiates Positivity 

Some people are so full of negative vibes, and it’s evident upon meeting them.

A few moments with them will show their bitterness due to their life experiences. 

That’s exactly how it works with someone who experiences correct love. 

They’d radiate happiness and positivity. 

Sometimes, they don’t even have to open their mouth before you know. 

But when you speak to them, you will realize they have a positive outlook on life. 

We often see life through the lenses of our experiences. 

It’s challenging to see the possibility of a good life when all you’ve known is misery, and you may be unable to relate to misery because you have not experienced it. 

So, when a woman is loved correctly, she will have a positive disposition toward life, relationships, and marriage. 

You will hardly find her championing unhappy relationships and marriages online because she can’t relate. 

The babe cannot just relate.

5. She Becomes The Best Version Of Herself 

When a Woman Is Loved Correctly: These Things Happen

We are all unique as humans, even though we are all imperfect. 

That means that the perfection of each of us may also differ in expression. 

However, we need an environment of gentle correction, encouragement, and love to nurture us and bring out this perfect version of ourselves. 

A woman who is loved rightly is in this environment. 

She knows she is loved by a man who affirms and loves her through her imperfections, strengthening her to nurture her good qualities. 

But love also pushes us to improve, so he also encourages her to work on her weaknesses. 

Therefore, he motivates her to keep growing in every area of her life to become her best version. 

6. She Wants Better For Herself 

We already established that love pushes you to be the best version of yourself. 

It encourages you to reach for the stars. 

Love doesn’t let you stay mediocre because it sees your potential and wants to support you in achieving it. 

When a woman is correctly loved, she has a support system that empowers her to pursue her dreams, no matter how scary. 

Additionally, she wants her man to be proud of her, so she will give her best to better herself. 

7. She Trusts Her Man

When a Woman Is Loved Correctly: These Things Happen

Love doesn’t always translate to trust, as trust is earned. 

But it is only a matter of time before it does. 

When someone loves you, they consistently show it, making it easy for you to trust in the love. 

So, a woman who is loved correctly will trust her man. 

He has shown her through consistency that she can rest assured that he loves and cares for her. 

Hence, she will be at peace. 

8. She Is Secure And Confident

Similarly, when a woman is loved correctly, she will be secure. 

Usually, when people exhibit insecurity, it is either due to past issues that – given time – will change or their partner exhibits traits that make them insecure. 

However, a loved woman doesn’t have that issue; as said earlier, she trusts her man because he has proven himself to her. 

Consequently, she will feel empowered to push through obstacles. 

You will find she is confident and unafraid to go after opportunities because she knows she is not alone. 

Even if she fails, she trusts in her support system to have her back. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean she will take risks blindly. 

No, it just means she won’t shy away from taking them when needed because she has the assurance of her man. 

9. She Submits

When a Woman Is Loved Correctly: These Things Happen

I contemplated adding this because of how controversial it is. 

However, I figured I might as well, and maybe you will hear me out. 

I understand the subject of submission can be tricky. 

But I believe submission is an offshoot of love. 

When you love someone, you will submit to them, which means compromising and letting them have their way where necessary and is healthy. 

That means, in my opinion, both men and women submit. 

There is a more extended argument about how this can be different in a marriage, especially for Christians, but that’s not the point of this post. 

I’m speaking on a fundamental level of wanting to shift ground and let them have their way because you want to make them as happy as they make you.

This does not mean losing yourself or your individuality in the process; it means simply prioritizing the happiness of your partner. 

And isn’t that what love is about?

Putting someone else’s needs and wants above your own?

I believe this principle applies to all relationships, not just romantic ones. 

In friendships, we submit to our friends by compromising and making sacrifices for them. 

In familial relationships, we submit to our parents or elders out of respect and love for them. 

Submission is not a sign of weakness or inequality but rather an act of selflessness and understanding.

Of course, submission should never be taken advantage of or used as a means of control. 


I desire that every woman is loved correctly because we all deserve that. 

We all deserve to experience these nine things that happen when a woman is loved correctly.


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