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Worst Pregnancy Symptoms : Women Share

Worst Pregnancy Symptoms : Women Share

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The news of a baby is actually an exciting one, but it comes with lots and lots of discomforts which vary in severity. Motherhood is a great experience but the journey to becoming a mother isn’t always a smooth ride.

I made this post when I was battling with pregnancy morning sickness.

Scratch that.

Pregnancy all day sickness!

I mean, I was so sick and weak that I couldn’t get out of bed throughout my first trimester. For someone who doesn’t like the bed, you can imagine how difficult it was for me.

Pregnancy all day sickness is probably one of the most miserable feelings I’ve ever had to deal with in my life.


If you were fortunate to have a smooth first trimester, just like my bestie, you’d think the rest of us are exaggerating.

I wanted to be sure that I wasn’t alone in my misery, so I asked a group of women to share their worst pregnancy symptoms with me and I was glad I did because the sense of belonging I felt really made me feel better.

Some are scary, some are hilarious, and others are…..  Just read for yourself :

Worst Pregnancy Symptoms

“Vomiting.” –K.M


“Weakness. It’s not an easy task at all. Also, I don’t feel comfortable with my own food, it’s my neighbour’s food I want.”- T.P


“Spitting (to delivery) and all day vomiting (to 7th month).” –M.C


“Mine was vaginal discharge and I thought I had a toilet disease. Also when I don’t take enough water, I’d have strong pain on each side at different times. Aside that, it was a fun-filled experience in the sense that I don’t have any trouble.”- T.P


“Hypersensitive sense of smell, heartburn and nausea.” Y.T


“Urinating all the time. I peed on myself once on the road in front of everyone because I couldn’t make it to the restroom early enough.”- V.N


“My worst pregnancy symptom is ringing ears in the first trimester. It only goes away when I lie down.”- B.S


“Nausea and serious vomiting.”- N.K


“Bloating.”- T.P


“Dear good Lord… Having to find a suitable side to lay down and then getting up. Jesus dear Lord! Then food cravings; mine was fried yam and very chilled Lucozade boost. It’s a lovely experience though. And when it was 7 months plus, the novelty had worn off and I wanted the baby out already.”- P.C


“The most annoying pregnancy experience for me would be the weakness and nonsense hunger during the first trimester.”- F.B


“1. Severe nausea in the mornings. And the way I relieve myself is to put my finger down my throat and throw up. Weird right? But the feeling of relief is not something I can describe.
2. My body temperature shoots up randomly. I woke up this morning and started burning up. No explanations. At night, hubs is always complaining that my body temperature is high.
3. I cry a lot. Just watching hubs cook for me makes me cry. Hearing his voice on the phone makes me cry. No network on my phone makes me cry. Hunger makes me cry. Nausea makes me cry.
4. Anytime I smell another person’s food, I feel like eating it. Covetousness, right? Can’t explain it.
5. Most times, I can’t cook and eat. I’m so thankful for hubs in this aspect.
6. I’m tired and weak all the time. Especially in the evenings. All the morning sickness you hear about, mine is evening sickness. My body’s graph starts plotting downwards anytime from 4:30 p.m till midnight. Every single day.
I know you said the most annoying, they are all annoying and frustrating!”- M.D


“1. Early-stage symptoms; during my early stage, I had this annoying tastelessness, there’s nothing I ever ate that taste good especially homemade food, the smell of it alone nauseated me, I couldn’t stand in the kitchen even if I had to sit in the living room when hubby was cooking. My nose had to be covered. There was this strange sense of smell I developed, many times hubby had to clean up the whole house in the middle of the night so I could breathe well even though the house was clean, I hated it so much.
2. Oedema of the feet; this occurred in the third trimester, my legs became swollen even though there was no proteinuria nor high blood pressure. My legs became so big that it affected my movement, I couldn’t walk well, the weight had a pulling effect on my body I could only wear a sandal anywhere I was going be it work,church or outing, I would be hearing the sounds every step I took, so tiring and burdensome.”- T.S


“I had heartburn and belching throughout my pregnancy, from the first trimester till the end. It was severe with vomiting in my first trimester. The funny thing now is that the belching didn’t go with the pregnancy. Very annoying.” – D.M


“Nausea, vomiting and spitting which lasted even after I delivered.” – M.C


“I vomited for the first 3 months any time of the day, it was not limited to the morning and I couldn’t eat anything prepared in my home for the first 3 months too.  I vomited all through but after 3 months, it was limited to just once in d morning except I eat watermelon. I couldn’t stand the smell of boiled meat for the first 3 months too.” –W.M


“Couldn’t eat food prepared by me, going to beg food from neighbours when I had much at home. I could even beg from kids. That was first pregnancy. My second, I ate my food but quarrelled a lot with hubby and people.”- E.M

“Nausea and weakness, probably due to the inability to keep down food.”- E.M

“Vomiting through my nose. Body shaking for being hungry and discomfort even after eating the food. Can’t just explain it.”-B.P

“Feeling weak from within, having severe headaches.”- B.K

From these comments, it’s apparent that even the easiest of pregnancies is still not a walk in the park. Some women only have it easier than others.
One of the ways to cope with the challenges of pregnancy is to have a strong support system – significant other, family, friends and colleagues.

Pregnancy may be so distressing but looking into the eyes of your little one makes it worth it.


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