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When A Woman Leaves A Man For Another Man: 7 Things It Means

When A Woman Leaves A Man For Another Man: 7 Things It Means

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Breakups can be very painful.

This is especially true when you experience it from someone you still love and cherish.

You can almost feel your heart shattering into pieces.

For the most part, it is not the act of leaving the relationship itself that hurts the most.

For most people, it is the pain of a misplaced hope of a future with the person they love.

Basically, both genders get to feel the pain of breakups in pretty much the same way.

However, it is usually more painful for guys when the woman they love leaves them for another man.

If you have ever experienced this, you will know that this is true.

In addition to the pain of losing the love of your life, there is also the bruised ego you have to deal with.

You may even wonder why she left you for that particular man.

Really, it won’t make you look weak if you admit that you spent a lot of time wondering what the other guy has that you don’t.

It is pretty normal and most men who have been left for another man have experienced this.

This article aims to help you answer the “why” question.

We will be exploring the various things it means for a woman to leave a man for another man.

You may not be able to woo her back.

However, you can learn from it and ensure that the same thing doesn’t happen in your next relationship.

When A Woman Leaves A Man For Another Man: 7 Things It Means

1. You don’t satisfy her needs

when a woman leaves a man for another man: things it means

Most of the time, people think of satisfaction in a relationship as only sexual.

It is not.

Sex may be a major part of marriage, however, we must note that partners usually have other needs that need satisfaction.

When a man is in a relationship with a woman, there are certain needs he is expected to satisfy and they are not even remotely financial or sexual.

People usually go into romantic relationships because they desire something deeper than platonic friendships can offer.

Don’t get me wrong, friendships can be very deep…

Yet, even with deep friendships, we all sometimes want something more.

In a relationship, women require companionship, intimacy, good rapport, supportiveness, and loyalty from their man.

A woman wants to feel protected, loved, and appreciated enough yet still be free enough so she doesn’t feel choked up.

And sometimes, as a man, you may be unable to satisfy these needs.

Not because you don’t love but because you just don’t have that depth.

My ex-girlfriend used to desire serious conversations about goals, plans for the future, investments, and other serious matters.

But all I really wanted was to have a laugh with the lady I loved.

I loved to have fun and joke around.

I still do, but I daresay that I am a sight more serious than I used to be.

This mismatch was what led to the breakup.

If a woman leaves a man for another man, then the most likely conclusion is that the new man can satisfy needs that her previous man couldn’t.

Those needs could be a listening ear, excitement, or passion.

The fact is that…

The new guy satisfies her in ways you couldn’t.

You don’t need to feel bad about this.

You could learn from this situation and work on yourself.

Focus on self-improvement and perhaps, your next relationship will be better.

2. She just can’t connect with you anymore

when a woman leaves a man for another man: things it means

Sometimes, we get so comfortable in our relationships that we stop doing the things we used to do to foster emotional intimacy.

This is a big mistake.

The emotional connection between two people in a relationship doesn’t happen just like that.

It has to be nurtured.

This can happen through long deep conversations, funny discussions, quality time spent together, and intentionality on the part of the two partners, the emotional connection in a relationship can grow even stronger.

However, when things are left to chance, that connection begins to wane.

If your relationship had begun to suffer terrible breakdowns in communication and moments of almost unresolvable conflicts, it is safe to conclude that your woman must have left because of this.

She may have formed a deeper connection with the other man.

When a woman’s heart shifts to another man, that signifies the end of the relationship.

And who can actually blame her?

The heart wants what it wants even if it breaks other hearts in the process.

3. She thinks he is a better person

I know how reluctant you may feel to consider this but hear me out, first.

Sometimes, women leave a man for another man because they feel he is a better man.

You may want to know how he is better than you.

I know I did when it happened to me.

The fact is that women measure these things differently.

While some women place more emphasis on the financial status of the guys, others are more concerned by how empathetic and kind he is.

For some others, it could be something as simple as sexual attraction.

I really don’t claim to know the workings of a woman’s mind but a woman may leave you if she thinks she has found someone better.

In fact, I must also add that the dissatisfaction she feels is probably what made her show interest in other men.

4. She just wants a change

“It’s not you, it’s me… I feel like I need a change in this relationship. You don’t just cut it for me anymore”

Any guy who has heard these words can tell you how terrible it makes them feel.

She may have been trying to absolve you of any blame in the breakup but these words just remind you of how you couldn’t retain the woman you loved even when you did nothing wrong.

Sometimes, a woman may leave you for another man because she feels a desire for a change.

She feels like the relationship is now stuck in a routine and just wants a change of pace.

The saddest part is that she doesn’t want the change of pace with you.

Instead, she is drawn by the allure of a fresh start with a new man.

To her, he represents the promise of excitement… a new life; something she felt she couldn’t get with you.

Don’t beat yourself if this is your situation and don’t spend time hoping for her to come back.

Rather spend the time learning how to be a better version of yourself.

5. You cheated

when a woman leaves a man for another man: things it means

Nothing hurts a woman more than the discovery that her man has been cheating on her.

It comes as a rude shock because even while seeing the signs, she may have made excuses for you.

It is a serious breach of trust…

One that may be forgiven but can never be forgotten.

If you have cheated on your woman and she later leaves you for another man, it may actually mean that she may have discovered what you have been doing.

Women have different ways of reacting to cheating.

While some may confront you immediately, others may have checked out of the relationship instantly without telling you.

Some may even plan on revenging.

Leaving you for another man may be her act of revenge.

A way to hurt you the same you hurt her…

6. She doesn’t love you anymore

when a woman leaves a man for another man: things it means

This is like the worst-case scenario.

When a woman leaves a man for another man, it could signify that she had fallen out of love with him a long time ago.

Most women don’t check out of their relationships the moment they feel like they no longer love you.

They wait, hoping that somehow those feelings can be rekindled once more.

However, when it seems like waiting for rekindled love may take forever, they may decide to move on.

When a woman just leaves a relationship, it may signify that there may still be hope to get back together.

But if she leaves you for another man, she may just be gone for good.

This signifies that her affections shifted to the other men while she was still in a relationship with you.

You may just need to move on, as well.

7. You didn’t know how to treat her

when a woman leaves a man for another man: things it means

I don’t think women are weak.

I think they are strong.

However, even strong women want to be treated tenderly.

She wants you to treat her like a rare gem.

And when you stop doing this, you risk allowing other guys to help you with your duties.

When I see a lady leave a man who didn’t treat her rightly for another man, I feel like cheering her on.

No one deserves to be treated like they are worthless.

You probably didn’t abuse her but if you ignored her and neglected her, then she is better off leaving the relationship.

And you are better off remaining single till you learn how to treat a woman right in a relationship.

In the same way, you realize how important light is when you are caught up in darkness, you may also realize how important she is to you now that she is with another man.

You may want to try to get her back and while I don’t support that idea, you may decide to go for it.

My advice to you though is …

Move on.

Work on yourself.

Don’t stop trying to be the best version of yourself.

Be optimistic.

The right woman for you is out there.

You just need to locate her and that won’t happen when you are pining after a woman who left you to be with another man.


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