Women have erroneously been regarded as the emotional of the two sexes while men have been considered logical. Although this dichotomy is largely defined by society and not nature because both men and women can be emotional or logical, we can’t deny these stereotypes have their basis. However, the problem is not so much being …
Mabel's Blog
At the risk of sounding boastful, errrm, I’ve never been heartbroken. Don’t get me wrong. Have I cried because of love? Sure. It’s very normal for lovers to hurt each other in a relationship. As a matter of fact, you’re more likely to be hurt by someone you love than a stranger because of the …
The dream of every blogger is to have people read your content from start to finish and even visit some other pages. Increase in sessions>increase in page views> increase in income. Yas! However, there are some mistakes some bloggers make that make people exit their blogs without consuming their content. This is a big issue. …
I am very grateful for the Smartphone and I think the reasons are obvious. The Smartphone really has made communication easier, increased the flow of information and drawn the world closer. However, we cannot deny that many of us, especially of the younger generation, are addicted to our phones. Not only does it prevent human …
Guilt is an emotion we all can relate to because we feel guilty at some points in our lives. While guilt is a negative emotion that could help us maintain a clear conscience and modify our behaviours, sometimes we feel guilty when we shouldn’t and for what we shouldn’t. This could be due ignorance, a …
So many times you see women stay with a guy who treats them way lesser than they deserve, and you keep wondering why they can’t just leave. Like, don’t they know better? Maybe you’re even the one in a relationship you know you shouldn’t be in but you can’t just leave. You know you deserve …
I don’t believe success is genetically determined because if that is the case, it means some of us won’t even stand a chance. I believe success is a product of what you do and do not do. Even if it was genetically determined, you’d still need to put the genes to work; otherwise, they’d lie …