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Mabel's Blog

So, you have a child or more for him, and you probably both still have to relate, even though you are not together. I understand that there are different reasons why people do not end up with the father of their children. Perhaps, the relationship didn’t work out, or there was never a relationship to …

Read More about 8 Obvious Signs Your Baby Daddy Doesn’t Love You

Why do married couples stop kissing? There are a number of ways through which married couples express their sexual attraction towards each other: kissing, snuggling, hugging, cuddling, and groping, amongst many others. Over time, it happens that for some couples, one or more of these romantic expressions fall by the wayside.  They probably just casually …

Read More about Really, Why Do Married Couples Stop Kissing?

This is not another, ”If you don’t do this, you are a bad parent” kind of article. Because I’m sick and tired of being bombarded with such messages everywhere. I think we parents get more criticism than we get support. So, this is not another of such criticisms, but just a list of suggestions of …

Read More about 7 Crucial Things To Tell Your Child Before You Die

If you’re asking the question, “Why am I attracted to older married men?” then I’m guessing it’s because you have noticed that this desire and attraction of yours is quite out of the norm. I’ve met people with various kinds of attraction and desires. Different people have different “specs,” and this is influenced by many …

Read More about Why Am I Attracted to Older Married Men? The Older The Better?

“A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth” Patrick Murray  No one gets married expecting to get divorced; it’s a sad reality but one that many couples face. It’s sad when couples divorce, but sometimes, it’s the best thing for both parties. Better to be alive and …

Read More about How to File for Divorce Without a Lawyer

Summer is the best time of the year; your kids are off from school, and the weather is perfect for outings and family vacations. Still, too many families let the summer pass them by without doing anything fun or exciting, but this summer can be different. Preparation is the key to a perfect season, as …

Read More about Prep For Summer Success: How To Create the Perfect Summer Household