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Mabel's Blog

Did you know that in California, when marriages end in less than ten years, the courts typically determine the duration of spousal support as roughly 50% of the marriage length? Alimony is the legal term where, during or after divorce proceedings, a person will provide financial support to their spouse, but how is alimony calculated …

Read More about Important Factors in Calculating Alimony in California

Everyone wants to love and be loved, and that’s why we desire a partner with whom to share our lives. However, sometimes, we can become so dependent on our partner that it becomes unhealthy, and that is known as co-dependency. What is Co-Dependency? Co-dependency is like always having your phone on low battery and your …

Read More about 7 Waning Signs You Are a Co-Dependent Partner

Eyes are the windows to the soul, they say. Eye contact is very important, especially in relationships between men and women. It’s often seen as a way to connect and show interest, but what about when a man avoids eye contact with a woman? As much as we think of men as complicated creatures, sometimes …

Read More about When A Man Avoids Eye Contact With A Woman: 15 Things It Means

If you want a serious relationship, then you surely want a guy who sees you for more than just your body. You want a guy who will be your best friend, your partner in crime, and your confidante. But you’ve not been getting that, I guess? You’ve only been meeting guys who act like your …

Read More about Why Do Guys Only Want Me For My Body? – 18 Incredible Reasons For This

  I almost choked on my laughter when I saw the video above on Instagram. Credits: @britty_paige Apparently, there’s something about grey sweatpants because virtually all the women in the comment section agreed with the poster. Okay, I must confess I can relate too. Hahaha! So, what is it about grey sweatpants on men that …

Read More about Confession! 13 Reasons Women Like Grey Sweatpants on Men