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Does Space Help a Broken Relationship? Here’s How

Does Space Help a Broken Relationship? Here’s How

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Does space help a broken relationship?

It’s a familiar story: two people meet, fall in love, and then somewhere along the way, things start to go wrong.

The flame of passion dwindles, arguments become more frequent, and soon enough, it feels like the only thing holding you together is habit.

If this sounds like your relationship, you might be wondering if there’s anything you can do to save it.

Interestingly, one possible solution is to take a break—that is, to intentionally create some distance between you and your partner.

This may sound counterintuitive, but hear me out: in some cases, space can actually help a broken relationship.

However, space is a tricky thing.

It’s the distance between the earth and the moon, but it’s also the distance between you and your partner when they’re driving you crazy.

It can be comforting to take some time apart from a relationship that isn’t working out; it can also be painful and confusing if you don’t know what to do with yourself when you’re apart.

But if you and your partner are interested in making things work, space can heal your broken relationship.

How does this happen? How does space help a broken relationship?

Does space help a broken relationship? How Space Can Help a Broken Relationship

1. It gives you time to miss each other.

In the early stages of a relationship, everything is new and exciting, so it’s only natural that you would want to spend every waking moment with your partner.

As time goes on, it’s also easier to take each other for granted.

You get so accustomed to the person that they become part of your everyday routine.

You have no idea what it’s like to miss them until you are apart.

Only then do you realize how much you need them in your life, how much you truly love them, and how much easier life is with them around.

This is when space can help a broken relationship.

It gives you time to miss each other, which helps remind you why you were together in the first place—and why you should be together again.

So, some distance can help you appreciate each other more and reignite the spark that brought you together.


2. It gives you time to work on yourself.

Does Space Help a Broken Relationship

When a relationship is in trouble, it’s natural to want to spend every moment of your free time trying to fix it.

But sometimes, when you’re in the thick of it, you don’t know what to do.

That’s why space can be so helpful: It gives you time to work on yourself.

You can reflect on what happened between you and your partner and figure out what needs to change within yourself before trying again.

The best part?

When you come back together, it’ll be with a renewed sense of purpose—and a new appreciation for how much you’ve grown as individuals while apart.


3. It gives you time to reflect on the relationship.

Does Space Help a Broken Relationship

In the heat of the moment, it can be hard to see things clearly.

But if your relationship is breaking, some distance can give you a chance to step back and reflect on what’s happening.

Do you still want to be with this person?

Are you both willing to work on the problems in your relationship?

Space can help you get clarity on these questions and figure out what you want to do next.


4. It can help reduce conflict.

Does Space Help a Broken Relationship

Space is the best way to reduce conflict in a broken relationship.

When you and your partner spend too much time together, it can lead to tension and stress. especially in an already tense relationship.

Yes, humans are social creatures who crave interaction with others, but we also need solitude to process our thoughts and feelings on our terms.

If you give yourselves a break, you can avoid the small arguments that can quickly escalate into full-blown fights.


5. It allows you to see things from a different perspective.

When we’re in the midst of a conflict with our partner, it can be difficult to see things from their point of view.

But if you take some time apart from them, you may find that it’s easier to empathize with them and understand where they’re coming from.

This is especially true if you use the time apart to work on yourself and gain some clarity on the situation.

With a fresh perspective, you may see things you couldn’t see before—which can help you find a way to move forward.


6. Space can also help build trust because it allows us to be ourselves without judgment or pressure from the other person.

If you’re in a relationship where there’s been a breach of trust, some space can help repair that damage.

It gives you time to rebuild trust by regaining a sense of independence from the other person.

It also allows your partner to do the same thing.

Both of you need to be able to trust yourselves before you can truly trust each other again.


7. It gives you time to focus on other important people and things in your life.

A romantic relationship shouldn’t be the only thing in your life—but it’s easy to forget that when you’re caught up in the drama of a shaky relationship.

Taking some space allows you to focus on the other important people and things in your life.

This can help you remember what’s most important to you and why your relationship is worth fighting for.


8. Space can help you figure out if the relationship is right for you.

Does Space Help a Broken Relationship

Sometimes, a broken relationship is beyond repair.

And that’s OK.

It’s better to end things now than to stay in a situation that isn’t good for either of you.

Space can help you figure out if the relationship is right for you.

If you find you’re happier and healthier without your partner, it may be time to let go.

But if you miss them and can’t imagine your life without them, it may be worth trying to work things out.

If your relationship is strained, taking some time apart may be exactly what you need to save it—or at least figure out if it’s worth saving.

So don’t be afraid to give space a try—it just might be what your relationship needs!

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