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  I’m almost six months postpartum, and just like a lot of women, I gained some weight during pregnancy. Even though I desire to shed some weight through intermittent fasting, I can’t, due to breastfeeding and a health-related reason. So, I can’t do much, yet, there’s so much pressure from nosey people aka unsolicited weight …

Read More about 7 Signs That You’re Losing Weight

Why One-Word Answer Questions?  If you’re looking to have a fun time with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or even friend, or to get to know them more, asking questions is one of the sure ways to.  Apart from having fun, it’s a sure way to know your spouse in a relaxed atmosphere.  What better way …

Read More about 100 Fun One-Word Answer Questions To Know Someone

While some people look back at their lives with satisfaction. Some look back with regrets.  Regrets of what they failed to do and what they did wrong.  There are some common things people usually regret.  Ten of them are: 1. Not learning some skills that could have bettered their lives Your success in life is …

Read More about 10 Things People Usually Regret When They’re Old

The quality of your life is determined by the habits you embrace. If you want a productive life, you have to embrace productive habits. Unproductive habits lead to poor quality of life. It’s as simple as that. There’s no magic to it.  If you want a better life, below are 50 unproductive habits to get …

Read More about 50 Unproductive Habits To Get Rid Of For A Better Life