Apart from the fact that every marriage is different, there’s no ‘marriage school’. Or, marriage is actually a school where you collect your certificate before even starting. So, we are bound to make mistakes. As wives, we are bound to make mistakes in our marriage. The most important thing is to know that we are …
They say life starts at 40. Oh well… They also say a fool at 40 is a fool forever. The kind of life that will start for you at 40 will be determined by the things you’ve done before 40. At 40, some people look back with fulfillment and encouragement to continue living while some …
If I earned a dollar each time I came across an article on ‘productive things to do instead of watching TV’, I’d be a millionaire. TV watching has been so demonized by writers and motivational speakers. Isn’t there anything good about watching TV? Even people who write these articles spend some time before the screen. …
Hubby and I have been married for a year and six months. They say marriage is a place of so much learning. Well, I have learned quite a number of lessons in my very young marriage that transformed our marriage, but I’ll share FIVE of them with you. So, here are FIVE of the lessons …
We are in a time where people are getting conscious of their bodies more than ever, and body shaming is becoming a thing people, ladies especially are becoming less tolerant of. What is body shaming? Body shaming is simply making someone feel uncomfortable about their body (shape, size, features) through your words or actions. Body …
Life is short and long at the same time. Life is measured by time, and time is measured by seasons. That means there’s a time for everything. You don’t have forever. So, there are some things you should do now, that you’ll regret not doing five years to come. Ten of these things are: 1. …
I wish I could tell you that life is all sweet and fun, but you and I know that’d be false. This isn’t even about being wealthy or poor because even wealthy people have their overwhelming moments. In this age where a lot of things – emails, social media notifications, phone calls, social media statuses, …