At some point in your life, you may have found yourself constantly thinking about someone. This person may be a crush, a close friend, a family member, or even an ex-partner. Regardless of who it is, this constant thought pattern can be overwhelming because it makes you feel like you have no control over your …
You’d think that no woman wants to be the other woman in a relationship. After all, being the “other” one means that you are not the main priority of your partner. It also means that you are essentially sharing your partner with someone else. Not only that, society hates the other woman. They are often …
Every marriage (of love) usually starts with a lot of love and passion. I’m sure like me, you can remember how you felt on your wedding day and even the first few months or years after. Those are usually the most magical moments, where you feel so in love and inseparable. But as time goes …
See eh, dating can be so complex! You’d see a pretty lady who rarely gets approached by guys, and you wonder what the hell is wrong. While there are some women who may not meet society’s conventional standards of beauty but who get approached a lot. Some ladies even find themselves asking, ”Why do men …
Are there people who don’t like compliments? Maybe there are, but I’ve not met anyone who doesn’t like compliments. Even shy people who don’t like being noticed appreciate it when they are complimented. In short, an average human being loves compliments! So when a man tells a woman she smells good, what does it really …
People don’t believe me when I tell them I’m an introvert. I’m quite vocal and engaging on social media, so people can’t reconcile that with the introverted personality I have in person. But we exist, and we are thriving. In fact, many successful people are introverts. Being an introvert doesn’t necessarily make you shy or …
As a mom of two, believe me when I say becoming a parent is a decision that will totally, I mean completely, change your life! Your life stops being business as usual when you have another life to care for, love, and guide. In short, your life stops being yours. Your child comes before you. …