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8 Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

8 Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

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What are the signs an autistic guy likes you?

Autistic guys are just like any other guys when it comes to dating and relationships.

They want to find someone they can connect with and who likes them back.

Autistic guys can be just as confused about flirting and dating as anyone else — it’s just that their social cues are different.

So, due to the social and communication difficulties that come with autism, it can be hard for them to express their feelings or let you know that they’re interested.

If you’re trying to figure out if an autistic guy likes you, there are a few signs that can help you out.

These signs aren’t foolproof, and they might not apply to every autistic guy, but they’re a good place to start if you want to know whether he’s interested in you or not.

Here are signs an autistic guy likes you:


8 Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

  1. He usually does not make eye contact, but he does it with you

Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

Eye contact can be difficult for people with autism.

They might avoid eye contact because it makes them feel uncomfortable or because they find it overwhelming.

However, if an autistic guy likes you, he might make more of an effort to make and hold eye contact with you.

This is his way of trying to connect with you and show you that he’s interested in you.


2. He mirrors your body language

When people are attracted to each other, they often mirror each other’s body language.

So, if an autistic guy likes you, he might start to copy your body language.

For example, if you cross your arms, he might do the same thing.

This is his way of subconsciously trying to bond with you and make you feel comfortable around him.


3. He’s a great listener

Autistic guys are often good listeners because they struggle to contribute to conversations.

Men are generally not known for their listening skills, but if he’s autistic, he’s likely to be an exception.

Autistic people are often extremely attuned to the people and world around them, and that includes you.

He hangs on your every word, asks follow-up questions, and remembers details from your conversations.

While this can be a bit overwhelming initially, it’s ultimately a good sign that he’s interested in you and wants to get to know you better.


4. He will be very clear that he likes you

People on the spectrum tend to be too direct, so he might tell you that he likes you in no uncertain terms.

He might say something like, “I really like you” or “I want to date you.”

He might even say the same thing to you over and over again because he doesn’t understand that it would make more sense at the start to just say, “I like you,” and then move on from there.

While this might catch you off guard initially, it’s actually a good thing.

It’s refreshing to have someone upfront about their feelings and what they want.


5. He’s willing to spend time with you

Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

Autistic people tend to be very consistent in the way they behave, so if he likes you, he will want to spend as much time with you as possible.

He might ask you to hang out all the time or try to include you in his routine.

For example, if he always goes to the same coffee shop on Saturday mornings, he might invite you to join him.

This is his way of trying to build a relationship with you and get to know you better.

This is especially true if he hasn’t been dating much before meeting you.


6. He will likely text you more than ordinary people would

Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

If you’re wondering whether or not an autistic guy likes you, one of the biggest clues is his texting habits.

Chances are, he’s texting you more than anyone else in his life, even more than he texts his mother.


Because when an autistic guy likes you, he wants to keep the communication channels open.

He knows that verbal communication can be difficult for him, so he wants to text you as much as possible to ensure that you know he likes you.

So it’s not because he is pushy or clingy but because texting feels less awkward than a conversation and allows him to craft his responses carefully.

If he’s blowing up your phone, it’s because he’s head-over-heels for you.


7. He opens up about certain topics with ease

An autistic guy is definitely into you if he can easily open up about his passions and interests.

He loves talking about the things he’s knowledgeable about and gets excited to share his thoughts with you.

He feels comfortable enough to be himself around you and doesn’t have to put up a front.

He’s not afraid to show you his true colors and is proud of the things that make him unique.

Autistic people tend to be very private, so if he’s constantly chatting with you about his latest obsessions, he likes you.


8. He may do things that appear random or strange to you but are meaningful to him

Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

An autistic guy may do things that appear random or strange to you.

However, these actions are meaningful to him and are his way of showing interest in you.

For example, he may make repetitive movements or sounds or fixate on a particular object.

He may also avoid eye contact or fail to respond to your attempts to engage him in conversation.

However, don’t be discouraged; this doesn’t mean he’s not interested in you.

He may just need some extra time and patience to warm up to you.

So if you’re curious about an autistic guy’s feelings for you, pay attention to his actions and see if they hold any hidden meaning.

These are signs an autistic guy likes you; however, remember that everyone is different, so these signs might not apply to every autistic guy.

Signs An Autistic Guy Likes You

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